Murder at the Christmas Wedding

Starry Hill Cozy Mystery Book Three

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
195 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Murder at the Christmas Wedding by Jeanie Wolfe is book three in the Starry Hill Cozy Mystery series. Robin and Lee are getting married at the Copper Chase Resort in Starry Hill at the same time as a Christmas baking competition. As the festivities heat up, the resort smells amazing and nothing could possibly spoil a perfect day. Until a body turns up. Chef Paco has been murdered, and Robin and Lee need to find out who the killer is before they become the next victims. The clock is ticking, and their investigations are turning up more than one secret that someone wants to stay buried. Can they find the killer on time, or is their wedding and Christmas doomed?

Although I didn’t read the first two books, I found Murder at the Christmas Wedding by Jeanie Wolfe an easy read. However, I would recommend reading all the books in order. This is an action-packed story with lots going on and some wonderful, well-developed characters that you will love. They are relatable and easy to like, and you’ll be on Robin and Lee’s side all the way through. The story has plenty of twists and turns and a few red herrings that successfully throw you off the scent, leaving you guessing all the way through. Reading this book has made me want to pick up the first two in the series to get a real handle on the overall story of Starry Hills. This is a fun read, a real festive treat for anyone who wants to lose themselves in the holiday spirit for a few hours.