The Fish and his Puffy Temper

Children - Animals
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

The Fish and His Puffy Temper is a children's picture book written by Barbara Pinke, with illustrations by Alvin Adhi. The story follows Puffy, an angry fish trying to make new friends. Unfortunately, the moment he arrives at the sea playground, he gets angry, puffs up, and scares away the other fish. Puffy soon realizes that it is no fun playing alone and becomes sad. Seassy, a seahorse, confronts him about his behavior and discovers why Puffy gets angry and that he is willing to make friends. The unlikely pair decides to find solutions to help Puffy control his anger. They visit different fish that face intense situations daily and learn from them how they stay calm and let go of their anger.

The Fish and His Puffy Temper is a heartwarming and relatable tale that teaches children the importance of self-control and empathy. Young readers will learn that making friends requires understanding and patience. The message is delivered gently and engagingly, making it an excellent read for children to learn about emotional intelligence and social skills. Barbara Pinke uses simple words and a calming tone to narrate the story, making it easy for readers to understand and fitting perfectly with the story's theme. The vibrant and colorful illustrations bring the sea world to life with intricate details that transport readers to an underwater world. The inclusion of small details like underwater plants, bubbles, and other subtle elements adds depth and texture to the art, making the story even more fun to read. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend sharing it with your children or students to teach them to control their emotions.