Public Speaking with Confidence

How to Overcome Anxiety and Deliver Unforgettable Presentations (Storytelling for Business)

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
200 Pages
Reviewed on 05/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

In Public Speaking with Confidence: How to Overcome Anxiety and Deliver Unforgettable Presentations, Philipp Humm details his journey from anxiety to proficiency in public speaking, offering practical techniques for others to follow. He champions "constructive embarrassment," encouraging deliberate engagement in embarrassing activities to desensitize oneself to social judgment, alongside methods for managing reactions and setting goals. Humm addresses self-limiting beliefs through narrative modification and visualization exercises and addresses the power of positive storytelling. The author introduces accessing the unconscious mind for anxiety relief, recommending relaxation techniques and emotional immersion. Drawing from speaking champions like Cyril Dim and Pauline Brown, he states the importance of thorough preparation, warm-up exercises, and strategies for audience engagement and handling challenges. Humm concludes with a post-speech practice for continual improvement, promoting gratitude, evaluation, and evolution.

Public Speaking with Confidence by Philipp Humm is the book I wish I'd had twenty years ago when I was faced with frequent public speaking, even if it was only with four other people, which to me was panic-inducing. Humm offers a practical guide packed with techniques to enhance speaking and presentation skills. I really liked how Humm emphasizes the power of storytelling and draws on actual research by Jennifer Aaker and Paul Zak to back up his points. If I had to choose one standout piece that truly sets this book apart, it is the emphasis on prioritizing the audience over internal anxieties. By shifting focus from self-doubt to audience engagement, Humm argues, speakers can significantly improve their impact. The writing is clear and accessible, making it easy for readers to grasp and implement the strategies outlined. There's no question that this is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their communication skills and deliver more effective presentations.