Halley Harper, Science Girl Extraordinaire

The Friendship Experiment

Children - Grade 4th-6th
174 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alex Ndirangu for Readers' Favorite

Tracy Borgmeyer's Halley Harper, Science Girl Extraordinaire: The Friendship Experiment is entertaining and inspiring. Ten-year-old Halley Harper has a great enthusiasm for science. She loves trying out new experiments with her best friend, Gracelyn. But the experiments don't always go as intended. Like last year at a Halloween party at her best friend's house, Halley's Monster Toothpaste experiment went wrong, and she had to go back home even before the party ended. Even worse, she is now forbidden from spending time with Gracelyn. Halley hopes to talk to her friend again during an upcoming summer science camp. But even there, things don't get better as Halley doesn't win at competitions (she likes to win a lot), she loses her diary, which has a treasure map, and worst of all, Gracelyn shows up with a new friend. Oh no!

Including a fun story, fascinating science experiments, and action-packed projects, Tracy Borgmeyer's Halley Harper, Science Girl Extraordinaire: The Friendship Experiment is a flavorful and informative adventure for young minds. At Camp Eureka, science meets magic tricks, broken friendships are mended, mistakes turn into crucial learning experiences, and solved mysteries become take-home gifts. It's an ever-engrossing journey to the end (I especially liked the simple-to-try experiments; The Monster Toothpaste was my favorite). Even while integrating the most technical subjects into the story, Borgmeyer applies just the right amount of details that are simple to understand and adds a bouncy feel to the big words to ensure the reader's interest. Whether you are a teacher thinking about adding new science books to the classroom library, a parent looking to inspire a love of science in your young reader or a future scientist, you can never go wrong with this book. And despite being aimed at kids, adults will enjoy it, too.


It was a motivational story and interesting to read I like the way of narration and l learnt valuable life lessons