Piccolo, It's Time to Go!

A JP Chinmusic Story about Opportunity and Courage

Children - Picture Book
31 Pages
Reviewed on 05/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Piccolo, It's Time to Go! is a children's picture book written by JP Chinmusic with illustrations by Daron Parton. It follows a flute named Piccolo, who often feels overlooked on stage due to his smaller size. He gets overwhelmed every time it is time to perform because he's afraid of making mistakes. However, his fellow pipe instruments stand by him and believe in his abilities, which gives him the courage to practice more and perfect his craft. The fear of failure never completely goes away, but when Piccolo gets a chance to perform, his friends cheer him on with encouraging words, and he realizes that it is okay to be nervous sometimes.

Piccolo, It's Time to Go! is a charming and heartwarming tale that effectively conveys valuable lessons about confidence, perseverance, and the importance of self-belief to young readers. Piccolo's journey to overcome his self-doubt and embrace his time in the spotlight is not only engaging but also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of support and encouragement from friends. With its delightful narrative and adorable characters, this book is certain to captivate children and parents alike, offering a meaningful message about overcoming fear and building confidence through practice and teamwork. JP Chinmusic uses rhyming words to narrate the story, which adds a musical tone to it, perfectly corresponding with the book's theme. The book also teaches children about different kinds of musical instruments with colorful illustrations that perfectly complement the story. I enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend sharing it with your little ones.