A Purposeful Life

Non-Fiction - Memoir
256 Pages
Reviewed on 03/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

A Purposeful Life by Agitu Wodajo is a detailed account of her life and experiences both in Ethiopia and the USA. Agitu was born and raised in Nedjo with strict adherence to the Christian values she learned at the Swedish mission school and morals inculcated by her parents. Her upbringing plays a major role in all her future decisions. She undergoes various challenges during her academic journey, including assault by one of the directors. Despite the challenges, she finishes high school and college studies and eventually becomes a community nurse. Her marriage is also very problematic. Her husband is not very supportive and, at one point, even refused to pay her maternity fee. As Agitu's life unfolds, major political events are happening in Ethiopia, including the overthrowing of Emperor Haile Selassie 1.

A Purposeful Life by Agitu Wodajo is a testament that, despite where we come from, we can become the best versions of ourselves through hard work and resilience. Agitu's life is a motivation not only to do the right thing but also to help those in need and the most vulnerable in society. Another thing that caught my attention was spirituality, particularly the events surrounding the healing of Jalale, who was severely ill. This thought-provoking work will get the reader thinking about religion and its role in driving change. The narration was excellent, which added to the overall appeal, and Agitu also used easy-to-understand language, which makes the book accessible to all readers. I am looking forward to reading more by Agitu Wodajo.