Bewitched, Bothered, and Beheaded

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
375 Pages
Reviewed on 05/11/2024
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Author Biography

Heather Haven was born in Sarasota, Florida, when alligators still roamed the streets and there was nary a condo in sight. During her checkered writing career, she has written newspaper columns, ad copy, theatrical plays, comedy acts, and had 18 books published (and counting), the latest being, Bewitched, Bothered, and Beheaded, released this April 10th. You can find more about Heather on her website,

    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

Bewitched, Bothered, and Beheaded is the tenth installment of The Alvarez Family Murder Mysteries by Heather Haven. The story starts at a police station where PI Lee Alvarez has been detained on murder charges. Readers are thrown into the deep end along with Lee and learn that she is there because a magic act involving a guillotine went wrong and magician Marvin the Magnificent's head was severed. When the Alvarez family gets behind the investigation to clear Lee’s name, things become more interesting. They learn about the considerable fortune Marvin amassed and the details of his will, which sheds light on the dynamics of inheritance. The provision mentioned in the will creates a potential motive for murder, as each heir stands to inherit a larger share of the estate if others die. In between misdirection and wrong twists and turns in the story, the Alvarez family races against time to find clues on who the real culprit could be.

As a huge fan of cozy mysteries, Bewitched, Bothered, and Beheaded hit all the right notes for me. The victim is portrayed as someone who wasn’t well-liked, and many characters had valid reasons to off the victim, other than just for the inheritance. The whacky mannerisms of the Alvarez family, the blend of humor and sarcasm in the dialogues, and the eccentric traits of their pets added to the comedic element of the story. I could imagine being part of the audience watching this narrative being played out as an interested bystander, all while cheering for the Alvarez family and especially Lee to get to the bottom of the mystery. Heather Haven has developed each of the characters well with their unique speech patterns and mannerisms, and although previous cases were mentioned in the narrative, I could easily follow along as a first-time reader of the series. This author has successfully added me to her fanbase.