Chemistry Saves the Day

Jeanetta and the Climacteric Reaction

Children - Educational
26 Pages
Reviewed on 05/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Louise Hill for Readers' Favorite

Chemistry Saves the Day: Jeanetta and the Climacteric Reaction by Brianna Florence is a fun and educational picture book for children. An intelligent young girl is always hungry in the morning. Every day, she heads down to the kitchen to make herself some yummy breakfast. But on this particular day, Jeanetta hears her dad expressing his sadness about his unripe bananas. Jeanetta, being the smart girl that she is, comes up with the perfect plan to help her dad. Jeanetta suggests they try to achieve a Climacteric Reaction. What is a Climacteric Reaction? And will it work? Find out in this book!

Chemistry Saves the Day: Jeanetta and the Climacteric Reaction is an entertaining read. If you're unsure about what a Climacteric Reaction is, as I was before reading this book, then worry not, the talented Brianna Florence has got it covered. I had no idea what it was until reading this story, and I'm grateful to the author for teaching me through her wonderful book. Children are going to absolutely love reading this book, and, you never know, they might even eat a banana or two! The writing is simple to enable young readers to follow along with ease, and the illustrations by Ana Villafraz are adorable, and professional and fit perfectly within the storyline. Brianna and Ana have worked well together to create this fun and vibrant book for youngsters and I can't wait to see what they come up with next. Good luck with your future creations.