Felicia Flamingo and the Florida Friends

Children - Animals
28 Pages
Reviewed on 03/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Felicia Flamingo and the Florida Friends is a children's book by Dawn Bragg about making friends in a new place. Felicia must move to a different town in Florida before her second-grade year, and she will miss her friends, especially Tuda Turtle. Her mother encourages her to visit the area playground, and Felicia loves the atmosphere there. She meets Estelle Egret, who introduces her to friends who have special talents they want to share with Felicia. Even a grumpy character warms up to Felicia quickly as he is reminded not to be rude. She is grateful to Estelle Egret and hopes she's made new friends that will last a lifetime.

As a champion of child literacy, Dawn Bragg has spent time crafting this story to appeal to young audiences. It addresses a concern for many children after they relocate. They miss their friends, and they hope to make new ones. The ease with which Felicia was accepted into her new friend group could open a discussion with young readers about the best way to be friendly to children who move to their area. The illustrations are eye-catching, and the dark outlines make the images look as if they are ready to pop off the pages. The text flows, and it's easy to imagine children interacting in place of the animals. Children who have moved from another area or who may know someone who has recently transferred to their town or city may benefit from reading Felicia Flamingo and the Florida Friends.