Haunter Grey - Outliers

Haunter Grey Book 3

Fiction - Science Fiction
479 Pages
Reviewed on 11/09/2021
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Haunter Grey: Outliers is a work of fiction in the science fiction, drama, and suspense genres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to its many serious themes and potentially disturbing subject matter. Penned by author Ross C Miller, this third work in the series delves into the lives of Moriah, Triillian, Grimmer, Rabid, and Suri McKinnah: all genetically modified individuals with dark pasts and deadly capabilities. As they navigate their existence as weapons, each grappling with their own inner demons and traumatic histories, a thin thread connects them all. What results is a deep and disturbing tale of survival, exploring the complexities of identity, trauma, and the human condition amidst the epic saga of the Haunter Grey series.

Author Ross C Miller really pushes the boundaries of his story world to craft a gripping and emotionally intense reading experience, delving deep into the hidden corners of the human psyche with plenty of new perspectives to consider. Miller's narrative expertly weaves together the lives of these genetically modified characters, painting a vivid portrait of their struggles and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds and endearing them to us with strong narrative control and deep introspection. The story's often disturbing themes challenged me as a reader, yet I found myself unable to look away, drawn further into the intricate web of secrets and betrayals that define the Haunter Grey universe, which I’ve enjoyed through several volumes already. Despite the darkness, moments of humanity and connection shine through, offering glimpses of hope amidst the despair and that keep you reading on to find out why these characters have turned out the way they have. Overall, Outliers is a powerful addition to the series that makes everything even more complex and enjoyable. It provides deeper insights into the characters' backgrounds and motivations while immersing readers in a gripping tale of survival and redemption.

Tammy Ruggles

Haunter Grey - Outliers: Haunter Grey Book 3, by Ross C Miller, is an immersive, compelling science fiction novel that sweeps you into the lives and stories of the characters. What if you were the definition of a monster? If you were caught up in the first two Haunter Grey books, then hold on to your hat. This one is a deep-dive into the characters, and the plot is alluring enough to attract the most casual of science fiction fans: DNA experiments. Human DNA mixed with animals. Moriah and Trillian are designed to be the weapons of choice. This darkly captivating premise is ripe for a movie. In fact, the whole series deserves to be on film or offered as a mini-series. It's intricate, well-written, and addictive. In this book we're dealing with the Unity again, with characters like Grimmer, Rabid, McKinnah, etc. These are genetically modified, with tragic and deadly results.

Miller again hits a home run in this often disturbing but highly entertaining follow-up to the second installment, Journey. He has a way of taking tragic characters and using them to tell a dramatic story of survival. His attention to detail is to be admired, his commitment to worldbuilding is obvious, and the result is a series that you will want to read again, and recommend to science fiction fans. I like that he gives refresher information in the narrative as you go along, as there are quite a few plot points and characters. If Origin left you wanting more of the characters and story, then this book certainly expands on it and gives you some backstory. Miller knows his characters well, and knows how to steer them through arcs that are grueling yet satisfying, and ties it all together. His way with dialogue, inner struggle, and conflict is outstanding. If you're looking for a sci-fi novel you can get swept up in, Haunter Grey - Outliers: Haunter Grey Book 3, by Ross C Miller, is that novel.

Jamie Michele

Haunter Grey: Outliers by Ross C. Miller is the third book in the series The Last Ark. In Origin, Castor Efrata-Landeez survives Unity's attack and is captured by Regia. Under a mentor's guidance, he learns to manipulate "numbers" and targets Unity's fleet. Castor impresses Major Garrant, leading the Resistance on Termina Two and planning an assault on Unity from Valhalla. Journey depicts Unity's fleet destroying subhumans and encountering unexpected resistance. Gianna, once a Unity Lord, realizes Unity's uncertain future on Regia and aims to prevent mass extinction, a previously dismissed threat. In this book, Outliers, the central plot is not as clear-cut because it follows one of the multiple characters in separate storylines, but each one has their own personal reasons for their rebellion against the oppressive rule of the Unity Lord of Science, and their desire to dismantle its control.

I think what I love most about Ross C. Miller's storytelling, and about Outliers in particular, are the ethical dilemmas and moral ambiguities, and how those dance around a series with Christian undercurrents. How do you respond when the body that's been crafted by God is transformed by force? In a universe where experimentation is the only means of technological advancement, at what point is it going too far? The story begins with the first, but toward the end, to save another character, a radical solution is considered. Is the survival of a character out of their physical form symbolic of another famed resurrection? We see this ambiguity also in the idea of acquiring advanced technology from Vanturi, raising questions about the ethics of technological exchange and the responsibilities of wielding newfound power. I thought the way Suri's and Grimmer's storylines converged was surprising, especially since one of them is related to my favorite Haunter Grey character. There's a “unity” that is completely different from the one being rebelled against, and I look forward to seeing how it goes. Very highly recommended.

Asher Syed

Haunter Grey: Outliers by Ross C Miller follows multiple characters' actions and experiences within Miller's universe, dominated by Unity. These include Unity's experimentation and genetic modifications, Suri uncovering her partner's clandestine activities, Grimmer's quest for retribution against Unity, and the bond formed between Moriah and Trillian in captivity. Rabid is tormented by nightmares but finds comfort in his AI companion, Grimmer infiltrates a Resistance base, Trillian and Moriah make it to Celastrus, and Suri pursues a combat ship, and the acquisition of micro-worm technology from the Vanturi system. Meanwhile, an exploration team's response to a shuttle crash brings them to a surprising discovery—"'We know this face,' 02.3.Gianna observed." Book three of the Last Arc series combines all of these into a deluge of significant outcomes.

There is so much going on in Outliers by Ross C. Miller, but he breaks everything down so that we are given alternating points of view, and that makes it easier to follow. At this point, most readers will know who the characters are, but I can see how someone could pick this book up and catch on pretty quickly. The scenes with Moriah and Trillian, and with Rabid, are excruciatingly heartbreaking. This is not a story for the faint of heart, but the balance of action and the way Miller takes loose strings and spins them into a cohesive story is great. There are fantasy elements that include things like telekinesis and shielding, and advanced levels of psychic control, which make the technological aspects that Miller consistently uses in his novels all the more interesting. Book four, Discordance, is already out so there's no waiting to read how the series continues to unfold.

Paul Zietsman

Outliers, book three of Ross C. Miller's Haunter Grey series, is a dark and twisted tale about five disturbed individuals and their quest for meaning and survival in an unforgiving world. Rabid, who we have come to know well in the previous novels, battles the monster within. Like a rabid dog, the beast within overtakes him and seeks only to brutally assault and murder anyone in his vicinity. His illness, deemed dissociative identity disorder, came about after being swallowed by a burrower and cutting himself out of its stomach to live another day. The neurotoxins carried by the burrowers have forever altered his brain and behavior, for which he has no solution. However hard he resists, he is bound to kill another colleague or even a close friend. Alongside his story, we get to know others with a similar fate of disturbance and destruction.
The elements of fantasy and science fiction from the previous novels in the series are continued in Outliers, such as technologically advanced weapons, spacecraft, artificial intelligence, and the like. This novel is different, however, in the depths to which the disturbed psyche is explored and depicted. The violence is intentionally crafted to be graphic and is exceptionally well portrayed, which makes this an explosively horrific yet thrilling story. The psychology at work, especially with the subjects' inner dialogue, is true-to-life, and I found it intriguing, albeit grim and disturbing. Ross C. Miller expertly crafts an action thriller with themes of space exploration, genetic modification, and universal warfare. Outliers is a delightfully dark and multi-layered addition to the epic Haunter Grey series.

Pikasho Deka

Haunter Grey: Outliers follows the stories of five extraordinary individuals from Ross C. Miller's epic sci-fi saga. Reeling from his actions that led to the brutal attack on Da'sha, Rabid continues to struggle to tame his inner beast. Moriah and Trillian, two Unity experiments with their human DNA merged with a cheetah and an osprey respectively, believe their husband, Admiral Castor Efrata-Landeez, is dead and are currently working for the Saloh Defense Corporation, traveling to faraway planets to exchange technology and knowledge. Meanwhile, Castor's older sister, Suri McKinnah, survives the Unity raid on Meridian but is badly scarred and seeks revenge. Added to the mix is Grimmer, the Ultimate Infiltration and Assault Warrior, once again reunited with Castor under extraordinary circumstances. Will these five unlikely allies be able to retain their humanity while they chase their destinies?

Gritty, epic, and futuristic, Haunter Grey: Outliers is a stellar addition to an enthralling sci-fi saga. With this book, Ross C. Miller expands the setting of the Haunter Grey series further, shedding light on the backstories of some of the key secondary characters in this epic saga. Fans of the series will especially enjoy the focus on some of these characters. All the characters in this novel have suffered traumatic events that unequivocally changed the course of their lives. This is not a story about the traditional hero who saves the day but about flawed and vulnerable people who struggle to let go and move on from the baggage of their past. The author paces the plot deliberately, as there's lots of character development and worldbuilding with this absorbing narrative. Recommended to science fiction fans who love stories set in space.