Inner Sanctum Exposed

Non-Fiction - Memoir
184 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Inner Sanctum Exposed is an emotional memoir by Christopher Romano that follows his health journey. At only fourteen years of age, the author was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes and went on a downward spiral that led to underage gambling, binge eating, bulimia, anorexia, and mental issues. By the time he was in college, he was not adhering to his dietary program, and his denial of his condition caused his physical and mental health to deteriorate. He desperately wanted to feel normal and started to think that the doctors and his family were all against him. This affected his psyche, but with music, drawing, and writing, he managed to recover and become more responsible. Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of his troubles because he still had more hurdles ahead.

The highs and lows of Christopher Romano’s life show how fragile yet resilient the human spirit can be. Just when you think things are getting better, they get worse. The author covers his near-death experiences and the various aspects of his life affected by his poor physical and mental health. Despite all this heartache, he still adds some humor and refers to song lyrics, poems, cartoons, and movies, which bring a lighthearted note to his story. His poems perfectly correspond with the narration and make the reader feel what he felt at the time. The book also raises awareness about diabetes and how it can lead to nerve damage, kidney problems, eye cataracts, fertility issues, and psychological trauma. I applaud the author’s honesty and courage in sharing his story. Given the detailed information in this book, I am sure it was not easy to pen his journey and relive his darkest moments. I hope many people read this book and learn to appreciate and look after their bodies. Great work.

Rosa A.

A wonderful book. Very inspirational.