Out Of Time

Volume I

Fiction - Time Travel
681 Pages
Reviewed on 06/29/2020
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Steven Robson for Readers' Favorite

Craig Barrett’s Out Of Time, Volume I, Episodes I-III, takes us to 2038 and introduces us to Dr. Nathan Hawke, a precocious intellect who becomes a precarious traveler in time. Nathan has always been different, being singled out from an early age for his incredible intelligence, and moved through a system of education that catered for his learning, but steamrollered his childhood. Coming through this system with many qualifications, his true passion resides in time travel, where he longs to visit past eras and witness history unfold. Whilst this trip may seem improbable to most, Nathan has his own ideas about it and when he applies his full resources, he may just find the key to make it happen. The only question to face now is not as simple as it sounds; should he?

Out Of Time by Craig Barrett is a wonderful adventure that takes you to incredibly diverse and fascinating environments in an easy to read, casual style. The plot is constructed in a very clever way, which segregates instances of Nathan’s travels into episodes, which can also be read like short stories. What continually ties it all together in a very skillful way is Nathan’s journal, which provides a vehicle to recap previous parts of the plot and pull it all into a much clearer overview. This technique, combined with the carefully structured plot, removes a lot of the normal confusion that invariably accompanies time travel books. If you are looking for an amazing adventure that contains all of the emotions and interests you could desire, Out Of Time is the book for you.

Jose Cornelio

In Out of Time, Craig Barrett skillfully melds time travel with adventure to create a wonderful reading experience for readers. The protagonist of the story is Dr. Nathan Hawke, a brilliant quantum physicist who, after losing the esteem of his peers, finds himself teaching a high school physics class. His night companions are the TV shows and his cat. But everything changes when a donor approaches and offers to fund his research in time travel. He is determined to prove his theory and to break time, but he has no idea of what he is getting into. Soon, Nathan finds himself drifting through time and being caught up in historic moments, including 1860s Georgia during the Civil War. He will fall in love and unwittingly travel to different timelines. But the question is: Can he triumph over the dangers he faces and return to his own time?

Out of Time is filled with adventure. Nathan is a curious character and his ideas about time are original. From the moment he embarks on his quest, I became excited for him and couldn’t wait to see what happens as he spirals into a dimension he has very little control over. Another thing that occupied my thoughts was how his actions would affect history. Out of Time is a well-plotted, beautifully written story that kept me up for the entire night. Themes of adventure, war, love, and curiosity are ingeniously explored. The narrative has strong historical hints, which tells the reader that the book is well-researched. I enjoyed the fluidity in prose and the strong plot elements.

Gobi Jane

Out of Time by Craig Barrett is the first book in a fascinating time travel series that follows the adventures of Dr. Nathan Hawke with time. The protagonist is a reputable professor with an impressive list of academic successes: nine doctorates, including quantum theory and physics, electrical engineering, mathematics, chemical engineering, and history. But Dr. Hawke, the man who has broken the laws of time as hitherto known, finds himself teaching a high school physics class in the suburbs of Boston. His life is a boring routine, including teaching and watching TV with his cat at night. But things change when a mysterious benefactor offers to fund his project. Thus begins the adventure with time that is chronicled in this spellbinding novel.

Craig Barrett’s novel is an interesting story for fans of time travel and I enjoyed the author’s interpretation of time. This is a novel in which Time becomes a character and it is interesting to see how it plays with the protagonist. Dr. Hawke is a well-developed character, a brilliant mind in quantum physics, and his curiosity and drive to unravel the mystery of time moves the story forward in incredible ways. I loved the way the author weaves historical elements into the story, transporting readers to different periods in history. The suspense is strong as the reader wants to find out if Dr. Hawke can succeed and eventually come back to his own time. Out of Time is well-plotted and it features believable and realistic characters. I enjoyed the strong writing and the dialogues, the skillful handling of plot points and themes, and the entertainment the story provides.

Foluso Falaye

Out of Time is a timeless, sensational story created by Craig Barrett. To himself and his grandmother, Nathan Hawke is going to be the genius scientist that discovers time travel. To everyone else, including his best friend, he's a "grossly irresponsible slacker". He finds a way to achieve his mission with the help of a mysterious donor and teleports to 1862, where he finds the love and home he never truly had. His plans to stay are disrupted when he messes up the timeline and has to commit a crime to correct it. Now he must run for his life and leave his newfound home behind, though he's not sure he will ever find a way back to his original time.

Craig Barrett brings a new twist to time travel and I'm loving it! Who would have thought that putting a sci-fi spin on ghosts would make so much sense? From an encounter with Abraham Lincoln to going as far back as when dinosaurs existed, Nathan's adventures had me both envious and scared out of my wits at the same time. The descriptions are impressively vivid; the characters are memorable and realistic; and Craig Barrett carries readers along with a jovial tone, music references, and timely changes in the plot. Readers should note that Nathan is depicted as a scientist that believes in a Christian God and they should expect mild explicit content: marijuana, sex, vulgarity, and violence. Out Of Time is a great recommendation for lovers of history, time-travel, sci-fi, and anyone that enjoys a good read.

Risah Salazar

Dr. Nathan Hawke is a famous quantum physicist and time travel enthusiast. That is until he publicly angered one of his colleagues who made sure he would never be successful in the field again. A few years later, Nathan finds himself down in the dumps after getting kicked out of his high school teaching job and the death of his dearest grandmother. He ends up delivering Chinese food until he remembers the lucrative deal he’d been offered some time ago. With a lot of money and unwavering support now on his side, Nathan confidently goes back to his research and builds his time machine. Will he find the answers he’s dedicated his whole life looking for, or should he have just heeded what most people have told him before? Is time really something he shouldn’t have messed with in the first place?

Craig Barrett’s Out of Time is a time travel story filled with paranormal suspense. The book stands out as it offers fresh insights and delves deeper into the topic of time. Right from the get-go, Barrett shows and does not just tell; he makes his audience feel which results in fantastic world-building. The mysterious air is established as the story is told in the third person, leaving readers wondering who is talking and what is their relation to Nathan. The language starts with a serious tone but it gets lighter and more humorous as the chapters go by. Music also plays a huge part in the story and it contributes to the nice build-up. Nathan’s character is written well; his background and motivations are clear. Most of the other characters are three-dimensional too. Every emerging detail is carefully laid out, but this approach proves to be a double-edged sword as it also makes the story’s pacing slow. Aside from this, Out of Time is a great read.