Secret Prophecy

Institute of Magical Arts (Magic and Prophecies Book 2)

Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
320 Pages
Reviewed on 09/20/2023
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Author Biography

Tiffany Kahapea lives in Texas. She's retired Army veteran with a thriving aerospace engineering career and a pilot who loves to fly in her free time. She seamlessly balances her adventurous pursuits with her cherished role as a devoted mother of two. Beyond her professional accomplishments, she's an enthusiastic reader, a crochet virtuoso, and a budding writer. Her bookshelves are a testament to her love for literature, while her crochet creations reveal her artistic flair. In her quiet moments, she crafts captivating stories, inviting readers to embark on literary journeys with her. Her life is a testament to resilience, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of passion. She truly hopes to ensnare readers with her new book series.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.J. Simmill for Readers' Favorite

In Tiffany Kahapea’s Secret Prophecy, Danielle is the daughter of Mary, one of the Fated Six. And what should happen on the day of her birth but for the prophecies that once tormented her family to return to haunt them, or more specifically, her. She is destined to destroy either the Mutane Sihiri or the demon race. Refusing to kill the newborn child, they bind her powers. But it’s an act that may cause more harm especially when the power lying sealed is triggered, threatening to unleash the very destruction that was prophesied. Born of two worlds, there is a darkness inside her, dark urges and thoughts as her demon half vies for control. She thought she was cursed without magic but, now it has awoken, the real trouble has begun.

I loved the relationship between Danielle and Lucy; you can feel the camaraderie and friendship blossoming and growing as they support each other. The setting feels as though Tiffany Kahapea drew inspiration from the best bits of Harry Potter and Fate: The Winx saga, creating a vast and fleshed-out magical school environment fraught with trials, training, and cliques. Emotions run high and furious as the plot combines betrayal and secrets with prophecies of destruction, damnation, and personal agendas. Challenges, peril, and madness await our heroine as she embarks on her own coming-of-age journey down a rabbit hole — or should that be through a demon portal? — to discover who she really is and what she can be. Secret Prophecy is an amazing progression from the first book in the Magic and Prophecies series and excels in combining fast-paced action with character development and an engaging plot. All in all another strong book. I look forward to reading the next one.