The Conquest of Kiynan

The Kiynan Chronicles Book One

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
353 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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Author Biography

Eric P. Caillibot has spent decades writing fantasy and science fiction stories, inspired by the likes of Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, Robert Silverberg and Lloyd Alexander. He blends original concepts with the fundamental elements that draw readers to these engrossing genres, whether expressed in books, short stories, or role-playing games.

He was born and raised in Montreal, Canada, but he has also lived and attended university in Ottawa, Toronto and Strasbourg, France. He holds a bachelor and a master degree in aerospace engineering, as well as a certificate from the International Space University.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

The Conquest of Kiynan by Eric P. Caillibot is the first book in The Kiynan Chronicles series. The book follows multiple point-of-view characters through an unlikely thread that weaves them together in a patchwork of royalty, loyalty, war, and magic. The book begins by introducing Caillibot's massive volume of key players in alternating order, with a violent act of war hovering over each. The boy-king Hendrik Stoneworth the First is put to the test when an attack is at hand by the ruthless warrior Blackheart and the barbarian Iceborn. A conjurer has also broken free from the spirits who held him and is raising an army of his own from the undead. Centered between those who turned away from the throne, those who ascended to it prematurely, those who wish to take it and all who follow, and the forces that swirl through dark and light, is a young, budding and gifted marvel with premonition dreams named Kayla Freeland...and one who has within her the potential to unite old Houses and rivalries for a chance at salvation.

The Conquest of Kiynan is an incredibly ambitious book that takes some time to get into, as is the case with almost every other fantasy saga ever written. I usually have to make a few notes and this one is no different. There is a deep level of trust we must put into an author when we commit to their world, and Eric P. Caillibot delivers as the pages steadily turn. The strength of this first installment is in its character development, particularly in the nuanced identity features Caillibot gives to each one, even small ancillary cast members. A toothless grin, the scent of jasmine, the uncoiling of a long, thick tail, the sneer of a Conjuress. There is heartbreak when the true destiny of a beloved, valiant character is revealed. It is satisfied by the passing of the baton to Kayla as she embraces her own. The world-building is well done although the descriptive narrative tends to run over into multi-paragraphs but this is forgivable in the context of a robust plot and intense battle scenes. That said, where most books start strong and then lag through the middle, I found that Caillibot's storytelling grew stronger as the book progressed. Witnessing the maturing of an author in their own novel is a rare and beautiful experience, and leads me to believe that there will be much more to come from this one in particular.