The Gangster's Daughter

Romance - Suspense
358 Pages
Reviewed on 05/30/2023
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Author Biography

Jodie Leigh Murray is a writer and author of The Gangster’s Daughter and The Duke’s Daughter. She lives and works out of her home in Buffalo, Minnesota. Jodie has spent most of her life writing as a hobby, and writing professionally as a technical writer for the last fifteen years. As soon as she learned how to read and write, she was making up stories. Jodie writes romantic suspense and historical romance. Jodie is working on her next two novels for publication next year.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

As the daughter of Gavriel De Luca, a feared mafia boss in California, freedom was not a luxury Regan De Luca could afford. With her father in hiding after a deal went sour, Regan was forced to retreat to Cape Haven Island to lie low until things settled down. It was then that Regan met the rich bachelor Cameron Moretti. Before they knew it, they had fallen head over heels for each other. But Gavriel had other plans for his daughter. He wanted her to marry someone he had chosen for her, a man Regan had never met. As if that was not enough, Regan’s cover was blown, making her a target for Gavriel’s adversaries. With her past quickly catching up with her, a wedding she didn’t want, and a lover she could not have, Regan found herself treading a dangerous path full of tough choices. Get yourself Jodie Leigh Murray’s The Gangster’s Daughter to discover more.

If you are looking for a character-driven, slow-burn romance based on a compelling tale of deceit, love, sacrifices, trust, secrets, blackmail, kidnappers, mafia bosses, assassins, and tycoons, Jodie Leigh Murray’s The Gangster’s Daughter is just what you should be looking for. Jodie unfolds the intriguing plot using a dual timeline and featuring a fascinating group of participants. The storyline had me hooked and on edge. Just when I thought I knew where the story was headed, I would be treated to an ingenious plot twist. The well-crafted protagonist’s emotions were depicted engagingly and in a down-to-earth manner. This coupled with the vivid depictions of the scenes made the reading experience feel as if I was right there next to the role players, watching the story unfold. This amazing page-turner has suspense, action, and humor.

Stephanie Chapman

Jodie Leigh Murray’s The Gangster’s Daughter is told from Regan De Luca’s perspective. Regan had purchased a boatyard in Cape Haven. She has done her best to avoid her father’s illegal dealings until she received a call from her uncle warning her to take a long vacation. Gavriel De Luca’s final call to his daughter unsettled Regan when he told her that she was to be married in March to fulfill a marriage contract. When she arrived in Cape Haven, she encountered Cameron Moretti, who asked her out to dinner. Despite Regan's refusal, Cameron persisted. Although she had to avoid drawing attention to herself, Regan relented and went on a date with him after two of her friends joined her on the island. While they were all at a dance club, Regan collapsed. After discovering that her drink was poisoned, Cameron refused to leave her alone.

Jodie Leigh Murray built suspense steadily throughout the story. What did Gavriel De Luca do to make someone try to kill Regan? I felt that Regan was complacent about her safety when she invited Tatum and Jazz to join her on the island. Cameron’s appearance at her home, at the boatyard, and on the beach seemed too convenient. At first, I thought he could have been a hitman or informant. The details of every moment were vivid. The amazing sunset and the sounds of the waves were easy to envision. I liked the unpredictable plot twist in the middle of the book. It glued me to every page, trying to figure out how Regan might conceal her ties to the mob. The biggest mystery was where did Gavriel hide? The conclusion was a shock. I recommend The Gangster’s Daughter to fans of mafia-style romance novels.

Alma Boucher

The Gangster’s Daughter by Jodie Leigh Murray introduces Regan De Luca, the daughter of a man of great importance in the world of illegal and underground activities. Regan’s father's life was in danger after a deal went awry and he takes time away from his dealings. He urged Regan to go somewhere safe where she could hide from danger. When Regan was still a baby, her father had drawn up a contract with a family friend agreeing that she would marry his eldest son. Regan’s father wanted her to be married to someone who could take over from him. Regan went to Cape Haven to escape the threat, where she met Cameron. Regan made it clear to Cameron that there could not be a relationship between them, but before long she fell madly in love with him.

The Gangster’s Daughter by Jodie Leigh Murray is a compelling, exciting, and suspenseful romance novel. It was fast-paced, and I was hooked from the start. I could not turn the pages fast enough, and the events kept me on the edge of my seat. I could not put it down until I found out who Regan was going to choose - the man she loves or the man she is promised to marry. The attraction between Regan and Cameron was almost palpable, and a relationship was inevitable. The romance was a great addition to the nonstop suspense and action. The author is excellent at developing the characters, and it was interesting to get to know each one. The story was superbly written, and I was in for a big surprise.

Diane Murray

I read the Gangsters Daughter in three sittings. It was such a fast fun read. Her descriptive writing makes you feel you are there and you can picture it all. Good character building as well. You could feel the emotions of each.

It was fun to get lost in a book again.