The God Heist

An Oceans of Sand Novella

Young Adult - General
144 Pages
Reviewed on 02/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

The God Heist is a thrilling young adult adventure novella by Jessica Flory. It tells the story of Jehn, a young apprentice priest who lives in a village located in the vast desert. Life in Jehn's village has become unbearable, with people missing and anxiety running high. However, a glimmer of hope appears when Jehn's master, Elder Yewen, informs them that they will receive moonstones containing sand gifts from the moon goddess, Atoille, which will allow them to sail across the sand and achieve many more abilities. Unfortunately, on the day of the gift-giving ceremony, the stones are stolen by Zarin, who is working for the dark god, Haraithan. Elder Yewen entrusts Jehn with the only remaining powers and gives him the task of retrieving the stolen stones. Despite being conflicted about helping the very people who did not care for him when he was starving and stranded in the streets, Jehn embarks on the journey with his friend Duma and his archnemesis Keziah.

The God Heist is a captivating tale with fascinating characters and an enjoyable storyline. The premise of a street-smart youngster trying to outwit a dark deity and save his community makes for a suspenseful read. Watching Jehn's character develop was intriguing, and the lessons he learned on his journey could be applied to real-life situations. The themes of perseverance, self-belief, empathy, and forgiveness will resonate with many readers. Jessica Flory is an imaginative writer who had me hooked from the beginning to the end of the story. The scientific details about sand and stones, as well as the enemies-to-lovers subplot, were excellent additions to the story. I did not want it to end, which is why I am eagerly anticipating a sequel. The God Heist is a must-read for anyone who enjoys young adult adventures with a touch of fantasy and romance.

Very Real Name

Great book!