The Hat Diaries (TM)

The Secret Life of Ryan Rigbee

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
252 Pages
Reviewed on 05/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Hat Diaries by Nadine Haruni is the story of The Secret Life of Ryan Rigbee. There’s nothing special about Ryan Rigbee, at least not during the day. He’s just a 13-year-old who has lost his dad and puts up with being bullied. But at night, everything changes. With a series of magical hats, Ryan and his dog are taken on a bunch of hair-raising adventures – at least, that is what he writes about in his diaries. Those diaries turn him into a confident person who would never be bullied. On his adventures, Ryan has a mentor, Merlo, who helps him decipher clues that lead to amazing discoveries. Together with Shadow, his beloved dog, Ryan learns to live and enjoy life, becoming the one thing he isn’t in his real life – a person in his own right.

The Hat Diaries by Nadine Haruni is the first book in a fantasy trilogy, and it has a unique plot with plenty of action. I am a wee bit older than the audience this book is aimed at, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It has plenty of adventure, each chapter taking you somewhere different. The style of writing draws you in, immersing you completely in the storyline, and is told partly as the main character’s inner voice. This is an easy book to follow and will take you to worlds you never dreamed existed. The characters are wonderfully well-developed, and there are lots of twists and turns in the plot. There are also a few life lessons to learn about love, loss, and friendship, and the main character’s humor shines through. This is a fun read, and I can’t wait to read the next one.