The Ordeals of Ornland

The Kiynan Chronicles Book Three

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
332 Pages
Reviewed on 05/14/2024
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Author Biography

Eric P. Caillibot has spent decades writing fantasy and science fiction stories, inspired by the likes of Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, Robert Silverberg and Lloyd Alexander. He blends original concepts with the fundamental elements that draw readers to these engrossing genres, whether expressed in books, short stories, or role-playing games.

He was born and raised in Montreal, Canada, but he has also lived and attended university in Ottawa, Toronto and Strasbourg, France. He holds a bachelor and a master degree in aerospace engineering, as well as a certificate from the International Space University.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

The Ordeals of Ornland by Eric P. Caillibot begins during the Golden Age of Magic, where Daimin and his peers wade through the quagmire of magical selection in Parkel. While Cadvin earns a coveted spot for training, others like Fridrik are faced with their own emotional burdens. Cadvin excels in Skywall, learning about the delicate balance crucial for peace in Ornland. However, ominous warnings of impending war cast a shadow over their progress. Years later, forbidden magic and political turmoil strain friendships as Cadvin returns to Parkel. Fridrik's natural talent for forbidden magic sparks concern, while Benjen's dabbling leads to seismic consequences. As Fridrik aligns with the Revivalists and Cadvin foresees war, their paths diverge, setting the stage for a conflict that tests loyalties and ideals across Ornland, ultimately reshaping its leadership and future.

I admit that I was a wee bit concerned when I picked up Eric P. Caillibot's The Ordeals of Ornland as it is the third book in The Kiynan Chronicles series. This trepidation was gone within moments and I was able to get right into the story without any difficulty. I like that Caillibot dances between timelines, and the world-building across the board is exceptional. I adore fantasy where there is forbidden magic and the moral ambiguity of controlling it. There is a debate between Kayla and other members of the Houses over the legality and regulation of forbidden magic, and Caillibot does well in filling us in organically. There are some amazing battles shrouded in anger and fog, necromancy, and betrayal. The standout character to me is Glenda, whose calm voice is reminiscent of the power of Frank Herbert's Lady Jessica, but with a lot more grace. Overall, an excellent read that will have me going back to this author for more.