The Unnatural Order of Things

Fiction - Anthology
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/20/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Unnatural Order of Things by Rick M. Clausen is a short story collection that follows ordinary people's experiences with the unknown. The book opens with "Forty Miles of Bad Road," where two men try to escape the clutches of the law after robbing a liquor store, only to find themselves trapped in an endless cycle of hell in the desert. In "Fangio's Pipe," a race car driver becomes besotted with an extraordinary woman who is more than she appears to be. "Tenement of a Sergeant" follows a US Marine Sergeant during the Vietnam War who loses his semblance of reality after seeking shelter in one of the Viet Cong tunnels. On the way home after meeting his reclusive friend, a man encounters a regal white horse that is an otherworldly being in "The Visitor from Markab."

Author Rick M. Clausen weaves an enthralling collection of short stories flavored with a healthy dose of the supernatural. The Unnatural Order of Things is a surreal odyssey that explores how humans behave when confronted by unknown situations or experiences that defy their view of the world. Each story integrates paranormal elements while being distinct and unique on its own. You find yourself in a dreamlike trance as you become increasingly submerged in each tale, and the endings always take you by surprise. Clausen packs a lot within a few pages, creating an immersive riveting atmosphere—all in all, a gem of a book for short story lovers.