Timothy's Transformation

Children - Picture Book
26 Pages
Reviewed on 05/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

In Timothy’s Transformation, Nicholas D. Wynn teaches children to accept themselves as they are. Timothy Greenbottle is a small spotted cucumber beetle who decides he wants to become something else. Through many attempts to be something else, he learns that God made him to be himself. Timothy humorously attempts to be a grasshopper, a butterfly, a ladybug, a honeybee, and other animals. He soon learns he cannot be something he was not created to be. When he decides to be what he was—a small spotted cucumber beetle—Timothy finds being the best small cucumber beetle is right for him. Children who read this book will learn that being themselves is the best thing they can be. Self-acceptance leads to a life of fulfillment and enjoyment.

Nicholas D. Wynn is a youth pastor who wants to teach children and young people that it is important to accept themselves just the way God made them. His passion for this is seen in Timothy’s Transformation. This book is written on a child’s level and uses humor to help the young reader learn that it is best to be who they are and not try to be someone else. As a parent, it is wise to help your child understand that they may be different, but they are best when they accept themselves. This book is good for all children, no matter if they are religious or not. However, in his dedication to his son, Tatum, Nicholas indicates that he has a Christian worldview. Help your children learn that they are good enough just the way they are.

Rita Jackson

I have known this author his whole life. He is an amazing young father. Your family will be blessed to read this book often to your children.
This crazy world today is constantly trying to make children, teens, young adults be anything but who they truly are.
May you be blessed.