Unveiling the Scars

Book Four of the Mallox Series

Fiction - Womens
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 02/05/2022
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Author Biography

When I started writing novels four years ago, I never dreamed it would have such a meaningful impact on my life. I searched for ways to use my personal story to help others and realized that writing fiction might be just the right medium.

My emphasis is on deep character development within storylines that expose the hidden devastation of domestic abuse and sexual violence. I use fictional characters to offer information and encouragement to those suffering in silence.

In my novels, strong female characters are challenged by their psychological struggles with PTSD, eating disorders, depression and anxiety. Throughout the series, I introduce unconventional therapy practices including equine therapy and canine-assisted therapy, which are used in conjunction with traditional methods. My hope is that my readers will relate to these characters and learn about the benefits of asking for help.

In addition to writing, I run a small non-profit service dog organization which I founded in 2013. Our dogs are partnered with therapists who work with clients experiencing the effects of trauma. Each of our dogs has their own client caseloads that they see every week.

If you are dealing with past trauma, know someone who is, or just want to learn more, I hope you'll consider reading and sharing my books. The best way to help someone is to reach out to them. That's my goal, and that's why I'm a writer.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Readers' Favorite

Unveiling the Scars: Book Four of the Mallox Series by Lisa Burkett is a compelling, character-driven novel about conquering trauma and finding personal freedom. Rowan McCallister runs from an abusive boyfriend and seeks safety in her hometown of Parkfield, Maine. She had to abandon good friends and a successful non-profit service dog venture in Richmond, Virginia, and finds herself in over her head. Logan Delante is her friend from childhood, now in law enforcement, and when he volunteers to help her out, she finds herself turning to him for comfort and stability. She knows she can't tell Logan about her ex-boyfriend Justin, since it would prompt an arrest. She'd rather just forget it and move on. She makes new friends who become her support system, but her romance is clouded by her unresolved scars, inside and out. Just as she begins to reclaim herself, an unexpected twist occurs, and she now comes face to face with her greatest challenge. Will she be strong enough to break the chains of trauma that imprison her?

Burkett hands us a well-written, intimate drama with lifelike characters and a plot that centers on the legacy of domestic and sexual abuse. Readers who have experienced trauma will connect with the characters and see themselves in Rowan and her struggles. Sometimes we can learn a lot from a work of fiction, and this is one of those works. This is the fourth in a series that focuses on healing, with a fifth one to come, and it's a good thing when you can be informed and entertained at the same time. Being a former social worker, I can definitely see that this author uses her gift of writing as a way to help others. The novel itself is immediately engaging, full of detailed descriptions that bring realism to the story, and has a few plot twists that you don't see coming. The dialogue is realistic, and the pace is steady. Rowan has to dig deep in order to get better. If you like human dramas that inspire and promote healing from trauma, you will become an instant fan of Unveiling the Scars: Book Four of the Mallox Series by Lisa Burkett.

Peggy Jo Wipf

Unveiling the Scars by Lisa Burkett is the fourth book in her Mallox Series. Rowan McCallister moves back to Parkfield, Maine, knowing the only escape from her abusive boyfriend was to get far away. Her business, using service dogs as part of therapy, is thriving, and she hopes the move from Richmond, Virginia, will not set back the work she has accomplished. Her move to Maine includes six of her trainers with two dogs each. Her close friend, Logan, helps her settle in and gets a crew together to fix up her business. Rowan's first client is Aiden Mallox, a man who created a haven for women who have been abused. Little did Rowan know how much she would depend on Logan and Aiden to help her with her troubled past as it collides with the present.

I found Unveiling the Scars an emotional and exceptional psychological novel. Lisa Burkett draws from her experience working with equine and service dog-assisted therapy programs. I was fascinated by the unique approach used to reach those dealing with trauma. The author uses extreme abuse cases in her characters to help her readers understand there are unconventional ways of getting the help that works. As the Mallox series grows, you will read how previous characters continue to heal and how they deal with setbacks when a trigger hits. I highly recommend any book Lisa Burkett wrote to those who suffer any kind of trauma, but especially mental disorders or abuse. Her characters are flawed, and sometimes progression is slow, but awareness of how they are helped is superb.

Jennifer Ibiam

Rowan McCallister worked with mental health experts in Virginia to provide trained dogs that help ease the trauma and PTSD of patients. However, she also needed saving because all was not well with her. Rowan was in an unhealthy relationship with Justin, who abused her in every way. She left him and escaped to Maine, where she reconnected with her childhood friend Logan and his team. Rowan also partnered with Mallox, where she met and fell in love with Alex. The past held her back, but Alex's love helped her thaw. Unfortunately, a catastrophic event sent her spiraling into a bottomless hole. Will Rowan ever find happiness? Is the love between her and Alex strong enough to help them withstand the tough blow? Find out in Unveiling the Scars by Lisa Burkett.

Unveiling the Scars by Lisa Burkett was an emotional read for me. Even though I am not a victim of abuse, I’ve held the hands of many, and I can relate as a witness. Many people who champion some causes, especially abuse-related, are active victims. It is a sad and scary situation, and this novel showed me so. Maria’s case was also realistic, as she made excuses for her abuser because of psychological reprogramming. This book was loaded with information, exploring themes like abuse, depression, manipulation, loyalty, powerful friendships, and courage. I loved the brilliant plot, the realistic storyline, and the character development that was excellent and consistent. The value of beautiful human bonds cannot be over-emphasized, and I was touched by how they helped each other. You did a fantastic job in this installment, Lisa.