Yes, Jessie, It's True

Book Two

Fiction - Drama
368 Pages
Reviewed on 07/29/2020
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Yes, Jessie, It's True is the second book in the Michael and Jessie series by Lisa Lahti. This is the story of Jessie and Michael as they navigate their lives after the chaos Michael somehow created. When Jessie catches Michael cheating on her, she knows this is something she will never be able to live with. However, a tragic accident leads to dangerous consequences, and Jessie is hurt. Michael just wants one chance to prove that he is worthy of Jessie’s love. He wants to undo the wrongs, learn from his mistakes, and fight for their relationship. However, Jessie is in a coma, and her chances of waking up are slim. Even if she does wake up, will she ever forgive him? Can their shaky relationship have another chance? Will the couple ever get the chance to find out why Michael did these things?

The tension is high from the moment the story begins. You can feel the desperation Michael feels, the remorse he has in his heart, and the agony he feels because he hurt Jessie. At times, even he does not understand why he hurt Jessie and that appears to be the issue he has to work on. His heart is in the right place, but his actions betray him. There is a lot of drama in Yes, Jessie, It's True, especially when Michael tries to improve himself. I have to admit, liking Michael is a little tough in the beginning, but that changes as the story progresses. I got to understand him and find out what happened to break him and Jessie apart. Other characters and their background stories play a very important role in the development of the plot. I don’t like Sandra and Stephanie (especially Stephanie), but they make up a good antagonist duo. Lisa Lahti gives them just the right amount of anger, outrage, and a misguided sense of duty to provide a motive for their errors. I am completely hooked on this story and cannot wait to know what happens next.

Christian Sia

Yes, Jessie, It's True by Lisa Lahti is the second installment in a series exploring a relationship from very interesting angles. Michael has been married to Jessie since she was fifteen because she got pregnant with twins. Their relationship has been filled with challenges, but this time around, something far worse has happened. Jessie is shot and also experiences severe brain injury after falling. Michael isn’t quite sure how it happened or did he really shoot her? While she slips in and out of consciousness, the uncertainty mounts and Michael wonders what will happen when she wakes up. The accident has created a new challenge to their relationship and can Jessie forgive him or will she give him freedom? There are many surprises for readers in this book.

This is a fascinating story and I loved the way the characters are written. The author skillfully provides background information on the characters in the dialogues, without distracting readers in any way. For instance, readers know they got married because of pregnancy at an early age and they also know from Michael that Jessie never went to college. This way of writing fills in the gaps from the first book and makes this entry a standalone novel. The characters are multidimensional and relatable. The prose is gorgeous and very descriptive and the author finds the right words to capture the strong emotions of the characters.

Yes, Jessie, It's True is suspenseful, gripping, and emotionally rich. The conflict is mainly psychological and readers will enjoy following the tension as it mounts from page to page, with Michael seeking an understanding of the events that led up to the love of his life being in a coma. The stream of consciousness is a skill that the author uses intelligently to plunge readers into the psyche of the characters. I adored the characters, enjoyed the great writing, and got blown away by the plot points.

Romuald Dzemo

Yes, Jessie, It's True by Lisa Lahti is the second book in a compelling series and a great story for anyone who enjoys romance with strong themes and compelling characters. The novel introduces readers to Michael and Jessie. They are a couple that has been through a lot of challenges in their marriage. Jessie is the love of Michael’s life, the woman he married when she was just fifteen and pregnant with twins. A tragedy has just hit them again, and Jessie is lying in a coma in the hospital. She’s been shot and has also suffered severe wounds after falling. Michael is unsure how it happened, and his greatest fears are that when the truth finally comes out, it will be him. Can he save their relationship this time?

There is so much to enjoy in this novel and one of its great successes is Lisa Lahti’s handling of character. They are richly developed and I enjoyed the complexity in the relationship between Michael and Jessie. From the moment that Michael wakes up late in the afternoon, five hours late for work, to the tragedy that puts his wife into a coma, to his quest for answers and the children trying to understand what is going on, there is life and pain in the characters. Their emotions are well-written and I could feel these characters. Yes, Jessie, It's True is an emotional roller-coaster, a story with strong psychological underpinnings. Themes of love, family, and parenting come out strong in the novel. I loved the emotional intensity of this story, the genuinely flawed and interesting characters, the gorgeous writing, and the plot.