A Novella About Pie That Should Have Starred Jason Sudeikis

Romance - Contemporary
80 Pages
Reviewed on 05/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

A Novella About Pie That Should Have Starred Jason Sudeikis by Richard W. Kelly revolves around a writing group started by the main character Charlie with other writers who he thinks are his friends. But, as the story unfolds, their true natures start to appear and cause some good times and some bad times. The reader is drawn into the story as they find themselves wondering if any of the characters, especially Charlie, will succeed in their writing endeavors. The different pies at the diner where they meet are used to celebrate the level of success each character achieves, and how each person reacts to the achievements of others.

In A Novella About Pie That Should Have Starred Jason Sudeikis, the author has written a satirical, humorous, romance most delightfully. Richard W. Kelly uses different pies for each chapter as the story unfolds, and the reader then begins to understand that each pie marks a situation that delineates the progress of the main character, Charlie Sample, and his group of friends. The author uses the main characters of Charlie and Jenny so skillfully that they entice the reader to keep reading to the very last page. The plot will surprise the reader with its turn of events, expected but not expected in quite the way it happens. It is a book well worth more than two reads. It is written in such a way that anyone suffering from self-doubt and depression will realize they are not alone in the world and that there are ways of working with and trying to combat depression from taking over. It is a lovely book and I enjoyed it.