Fabulous Flora: Plants #1

Copyright Free Images for Mixed Media and Collage Art

Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
95 Pages
Reviewed on 04/06/2018
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

Fabulous Flora: Plants #1: Do Your Art Your Way by Denise Bossarte is a useful book for all collage artists, mixed media artists, scrapbookers, or SoulCollage® card makers who are on the lookout for beautiful images which are copyright free that they can use for their art. In this book, the author has images of different types of plants of all colors, shapes, and sizes taken from various angles. Each picture has a small and large image and, like Denise Bossarte's other books, the images appear only on one side of the page, thereby allowing readers to cut out the pictures without losing any other images in the book.

I liked all the images in this book. They take readers closer to nature and the large images enable readers to see the beauty and uniqueness of the plants. The idea of bringing out books like this is unique as well as helpful because readers do not have to be worried about using the pictures in the book. Having images only on one side of the page is a good idea too. The pictures and the angles from which they have been captured reveal the creativity and aesthetic eye of the author. The author tries to pick out the extraordinary in the ordinary world, and the book encourages everyone to become more observant of their surroundings and the natural beauty around them. The variety of plants, along with their images and close-ups, are a real treat for all garden and nature lovers.