Fox Hollow Tales

Wojer & the Wizard of the Wood

Children - Picture Book
30 Pages
Reviewed on 05/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joe Wisinski for Readers' Favorite

Fox Hollow Tales: Wojer & The Wizard of the Wood is a picture book by Jennifer Carson. The story is about Wojer, a badger, who goes into the woods to pick blackberries after he eats the last of the blackberry jam that his mother was saving for an upcoming picnic. While he’s heading into the woods, Lily, a fox, tries to scare him with a fictitious story. But a hare named Jack Henry convinces Wojer to get back at Lily and a couple of other friends who had gone along with Lily’s story, which he does. In the end, the friends enjoy a treat together, which is provided by Jack Henry. Carson wrote the story and also drew the illustrations. This book is the first in the Fox Hollow Tales series.

I enjoyed reading Wojer & The Wizard of the Wood. Author Jennifer Carson clearly has a love for children and for telling them a fun and entertaining story that conveys a good message. One of the book’s messages is the necessity of standing up to the bullies. With the age range who are likely to read this book, that’s an important message because bullying can be strong at that age. The illustrations are detailed and beautiful and complement the story perfectly. Although Carson doesn’t say what ages the book is for, it appears appropriate for elementary-age readers who have gone past the “learning to read” phase to words and stories that are a bit more advanced. I recommend this book to children, their parents, and their grandparents.