Tooth Poop

The Truth About Dental Cavities

Children - Educational
26 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ann Linus for Readers' Favorite

Danny does not like to brush or floss his teeth. Twice a year, Danny visits the dentist, and twice a year, the dentist discovers a new cavity in his teeth. Danny’s parents and Dr. Dent were frustrated; all their efforts to get him to maintain good dental health had been futile. Danny had just turned eight, and Dr. Dent thought he was finally old enough to learn about cavities. After a series of questions and explanations from Dr. Dent, Danny came to several shocking realizations: bacteria live in his mouth, they love to eat what he loves to eat, and they poop on his teeth! Is this enough to deter Danny from his unhealthy ways? Read Tooth Poop: The Truth About Dental Cavities by Mark P. Vogley DDS to learn about dental cavities.

Tooth Poop is a witty and educational picture book. I liked everything about this book, but I was most impressed with what I learned from it. I am now more motivated to brush my teeth twice a day, as I do not want bacteria poop to rest on them for long. I also liked how this author’s crucial lesson was broken down into simple and witty conversations. The vivid illustrations by Jenny Campbell were the icing on this brilliant story. I liked how the pictures perfectly captured the characters, especially the very expressive bacteria. I highly recommend this book for children, especially those who do not like brushing or flossing their teeth. Mark P. Vogley DDS did a great job with this book.