Two Images of God

Resolution - Book 4

Fiction - Action
201 Pages
Reviewed on 05/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Two Images of God: Resolution is penned by author Brian P. Sheets in the action, sociocultural issues, and interpersonal drama subgenres. It is the fourth novel in the series. This interesting novel delves into a world engulfed in conflict as the Islamic World Order (IWO) executes a relentless campaign of offensive strikes, plunging the Western Alliance into chaos. In response, the Alliance mobilizes its forces, reclaiming lost territories and preparing to confront the looming threat posed by IWO. As tensions escalate, characters like Aarzam and Clancy are driven by a single-minded determination to eradicate the enemy. Meanwhile, Abbas and Arthur strive to prevent a global catastrophe and restore peace. Against the backdrop of escalating violence, the narrative grapples with the complexities of war and the elusive quest for lasting peace.

Author Brian P. Sheets has crafted a thought-provoking novel that delves deep into the complexities of human nature and conflict. The series' overarching theme resonated profoundly, yet it was blended well into the storyline so as never to overpower the scenes at play. Sheets masterfully portrayed the repercussions of this internal conflict on global society with vivid imagery and strong dialogue choices, highlighting the detrimental impact of malice on those striving for peace. As this confidently penned narrative unfolded, the escalating tensions and impending catastrophe kept me on the edge of my seat, eager to discover the fate of the characters and the world they inhabited, through some very well-paced twists and reveals. The exploration of the inherent challenges in achieving peace underscored the importance of open dialogue and understanding in fostering a more harmonious future. This was achieved through naturalistic dialogue and conversational moments that felt authentic. Overall, Resolution provides a gripping conclusion to the series, and I would recommend it and the series in general to action-thriller fans everywhere.

Asher Syed

Resolution by Brian P Sheets is the final book in the Two Images of God series. In Quest, peace between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism manifests in individual interactions and eschews religious barriers. Academics unite on an archaeological site, but a deadly attack puts their esteem in jeopardy. In Discontent, escalating tensions between the Western Alliance and the IWO prompt leaders to confront the risk of mutual destruction. Faced with a choice between peace and war, they risk mutiny from subordinates hungry for power. In Conflict, planned assassinations of Western Alliance and IWO leaders would shift power to attackers and make negotiated peace an instrument of annihilation. Unchecked aggression grows as moderation wanes, marking the onset of war. In the fourth book, Resolution, the IWO's relentless offensive strikes ramp up the war, endangering the Western Alliance, which in turn mobilizes international forces and readies their nuclear weapons to counter the threat. Unless sustainable peace can be achieved, nothing will stop a complete and total global disaster.

What I really enjoyed about Resolution is the way that author Brian P Sheets leans into the themes of unity, hope, and the potential for positive change even in a bloody conflict. Abbas's vision for a unified Islamic nation, his appeal to common heritage and faith, and his efforts to end hostilities reflect an underlying optimism about the possibility of reconciliation and progress that most of us readers see as a universal human aspiration. Like the previous books, there is a great deal of intrigue and action, but Sheets very carefully brings us full circle back to the message of global harmony. Abbas's character arc happens to also be my favorite in the series and ties into the idea that anyone is capable of change. There is a major plot twist in the Western Alliance and for one character in particular that is *chef's kiss* perfection. Sheets again delivers the goods and rewards fans of the series with a satisfying finale.

Rabia Tanveer

Two Images of God: Resolution is the fourth book in Brian P. Sheets's Two Images of God series. The world was in chaos, and there seemed to be no end in sight. The fight between the Western Alliance and the Islamic World Order was far from over; however, things were looking bad for the Western Alliance. The Islamic World Order succeeded in overwhelming the competition and ensured that no one associated with the Western Alliance was safe, but that didn’t mean they would just take every attack and not strike back. They had their plans to seize control with nuclear weapons. World peace was at stake. While some people in both groups had no choice, others were thinking of stopping a global disaster. Was peace ever on the cards for the world? Was war the only answer?

What a stunning end to a great series! Author Brian P. Sheets made sure the series went out with a bang with plenty of action, drama, and thrills. The momentum of the story was great; the pace was fast without being overwhelming, and I loved that. The pace allowed me to enjoy the narrative without feeling rushed. I really enjoyed the short chapters because they were packed with vivid details and descriptions that made me feel like I was right there with the characters. The imagery was so detailed that I could easily imagine what was happening. I wouldn’t be surprised if this book series gets made into a movie or a TV series because it is that good. I felt bad for Clancy and Aarzam because they had no options. I also felt excitement for Arthur and Abbas. I am sad that the series has ended, but I am excited as well. I cannot wait to see what Brian P. Sheets comes up with next.

Divine Zape

Two Images of God: Resolution by Brian P. Sheets is the fourth book in the series and continues an intelligent examination of futile international and geopolitical conflict fueled by religious ideologies. At the heart of the narrative is the question: Can there be genuine peace? Set against the backdrop of a global confrontation involving various factions, the story presents multiple perspectives, intricate strategic maneuvers, and the characters' personal struggles in their quest for the solution to a devastating conflict. Abbas, Arthur, Colonel Beagan, Pao, Kruglov, and Rasha represent a faction in the conflict, and each faction has a hidden agenda and singular motives. The author crafts diverse plot threads, highlighting the tension between revenge and the pursuit of peace.

The portrayal of the human toll of war is brilliantly executed through vivid descriptions of the characters' devastating attacks, personal sacrifices, and moral dilemmas. The narrative doesn't shy away from exploring the brutality of war while highlighting moments of courage and hope amidst the chaos. The plot is intricately woven and advances with growing tension through every page. The suspense is exacting as the conflict escalates and alliances shift; the characters are forced to confront their own biases, motivations, and the consequences of their actions. Moreover, the book offers thought-provoking insights into the nuanced nature of international relations, the dynamics of power, and the challenges of achieving peace in a world torn apart by conflict. Two Images of God: Resolution by Brian P. Sheets is a bold and captivating novel that examines the effects of war and what it takes to find peace. The story presents rock-solid characters and themes that contemporary readers will enjoy. The writing is succinct and purposeful. This book is a clarion call to seek peace in a world where political and religious interests tear people apart.

Romuald Dzemo

In Two Images of God: Resolution - Book 4 by Brian P. Sheets, a tramp steamer captain plots a rocket attack on an Israeli site, triggering retaliation plans by Colonel Beagan and collaboration efforts between Arthur and Abbas to de-escalate tensions. As Western Alliance leaders Pao and Kruglov coordinate retaliatory strikes against the IWO, revenge drives their actions. In Tehran, amidst RVB detonations and escalating attacks, a global conflict between factions, characterized by strategic maneuvers and heinous acts, continues. Major Brannon struggles with intelligence manipulation and conflicting loyalties while Rasha infiltrates enemy territory to gather vital information. As the conflict intensifies, Arthur and his team execute a bold plan to neutralize Clancy while Rasha works to liberate oppressed women within the chaos. Meanwhile, Abbas parachutes into a high-stakes mission to eliminate Aarzam, a dangerous figure promoting conflict. Can these characters de-escalate the tension and bring peace to a world staggering toward oblivion?

Brian P. Sheets continues to captivate readers through an intelligent examination of global and geopolitical conflict, asking thought-provoking questions and developing believable characters. In this installment, the key characters seek a resolution to the conflict that has engulfed many nations. It is intriguing to follow the alliances, the shifts in loyalties, and the bravery of some of the characters. Two Images of God: Resolution - Book 4 reads like a real-time commentary on current events. This tale is both cautionary and thought-provoking, inviting readers to think about the root causes of current international conflict and to reflect on whether there can be any genuine justification. Characters like Abbas, Arthur, Colonel Beagan, Pao, Kruglov, and Rasha are cleverly rendered and symbolic in many aspects. Resolution can be read as a powerful indictment of current political and religious conflicts. Readers will understand how individuals can use religious convictions to pursue selfish gains. I loved the characters' struggles in seeking peace in a world rapidly falling apart. The author ensures that readers understand what happens when ideologies transform into weapons of war. I was deeply moved reading the characters' journeys in this book.