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4 Tips to Market Children's Books

To market a book, you need to find out who likes your book, discover where to find them, then sell your book there and convince them to buy it. With publishing a children’s book, your book is for children, but adults are the buyers. So, you're targeting children and their parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and teachers. This article discusses four ways to market your book to these adults who buy books for kids.

1. Be active on social media
Modern-day parents are active on social media. You can see them sharing experiences in raising kids and offering or seeking advice on better ways to care for their children. So, the internet provides a great marketing opportunity for authors of children's books. There are various ways to market on social media. You can claim your books on Goodreads, the largest social network dedicated to sharing books. Be a part of Facebook for children’s book groups or groups that cover topics about children that your book addresses. Share pictures of your book on Instagram or Twitter using relevant hashtags that deal with your book’s subject, like #unicorns #firetrucks. Or tap directly into your audience with hashtags like #mommylifestyle #picturebooksaremyjam.

2. Get your book into libraries
Libraries offer a sales opportunity for authors of children's books. Most parents prefer to borrow books for their children from their local library. If your book ends up in the children’s section of a local library, it has a great chance of getting borrowed. If those parents and their kids like your book, they will want to read anything else you’ve written. And this time, they may decide to buy it. To get your book into a library system, ensure your book has many positive reviews and is readily available through major wholesalers. You can call nearby libraries and inform them about your book and arrange a reading for kids in the library. Bring enough copies on the day so that you can sell your signed book.

3. Consider school visits
Many schools have an annual budget for paid author visits. You could eventually get paid for your school appearances, an added advantage when you're marketing children's books. Contact the schools around you, and when you do, ensure you have a plan in place. Send them crucial details of your book, like a cover image, a synopsis, the target age range, and other valuable information. When the school agrees, send them a summary of your planned visit. Let them know that you visit local schools for free in return for the school sending home slips that offer the chance to buy signed copies of the book.

4. Optimize your Amazon page
Amazon is still the largest retailer for self-publishers. Most sales happen online, and your Amazon product page is the equivalent of your storefront. So, you need to ensure that it's as optimized for potential readers as possible. Edit your author page to attract traffic. Your Author Page is your public profile for interested readers; make the most of it and brand yourself properly. Perfect your author bio, and remember to include a link to your author's website. Your book description should be compelling. Ensure that your headline is gripping and that your blurb is snappy. Don't forget your keywords. Amazon uses its algorithms to suggest books to readers. Learning this is one of the best ways to increase the discoverability of your books on Amazon. 

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Frank Stephen