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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Growing Your Newsletter Followers

Congratulations! You’ve just finished your newsletter. You’ve spent hours painstakingly designing it and redesigning it, making sure the content made sense. You even offered a great deal at the end of it. You got your sign up link, and now you’re ready to promote the newsletter to anyone who’s interested. Now the question is: where exactly do you promote it? And more importantly, how do you get people to sign up?

There are a lot of websites out there that will let you give your books away for free to potential readers. On the sites, all the reader has to do is give you their email addresses in exchange for the book. Sites Prolific Works have this specific exchange. However, if you’re on a budget, Bookclicker and Story Origins offer the same service for free. Keep in mind that these services might not be as well known, so it might take a little longer for readers to find your books.

Your Own Blog
Since you’ve already invested so much time in creating your blog, adding a newsletter to it seems natural. If you have followers, they’ll probably be interested in the latest deals, discounts, and news related to your books, and that is, of course, why they follow your blog to begin with. However, you can turn those blog followers into newsletter readers. By placing the link of your newsletter at the bottom (or top) of your posts, you’re giving your readers more of a chance to sign up for the newsletter. You can even include a page about the benefits of signing up for your newsletter, such as receiving exclusive deals and never-before-seen stories.

Social Media
Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and even Amazon can promote your newsletter to potential readers. Even so, since you’ll be advertising your newsletter to the general audience, you’re going to have to find a specific niche that fits your newsletter. One way you can do this is by searching for groups that fit your newsletter’s theme. There are groups that support writers, whether they be in a specific genre or otherwise. As such, you can find groups that will allow you to promote your newsletter online and, in a way, target readers that would actually be interested in your book. Keep in mind that social media sites also have advertising plans, so if that interests you, go check it out.

Book reviewers are a surprisingly efficient way to not only advertise your book but also your newsletter as well. It’s hard enough to get a reviewer, so when you do, be sure to ask them if they could promote your newsletter as well. This is especially true if the reviewer absolutely loves your book and raves about it everywhere they can.

A newsletter is an important tool for any author when marketing their books. But in order for it to be effective, you have to be willing to promote your newsletter, whether it be through your own websites or others. Once you do, and start building up your subscribers, you can start relying on your newsletter to expertly market and sell more of your books.

Nifty, huh?

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow