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How to Find Time to Write

Not many writers have the luxury of making a living from their work. Many have to juggle their craft with another job, hence the need to find the time to write while still meeting other responsibilities. Included are some tips on how you can achieve your goals even when you are still not a full-time writer yet.

1. Allocate time for your tasks wisely

When you have little time to work with, it is crucial that you manage every minute of it the best way you can. Set aside time to write and try to stick to your plan, no matter what happens in your life. There are many ways you can ensure that you are spending time productively such as:

Starting with a list: List down all your responsibilities both professional and otherwise. This enables you to see first-hand just how much you need to do and find time for all tasks.

Prioritize: Check what tasks are the most important and start with those on another list. This will help in working on tasks that are the most important when you are most productive and ending with those that are not a priority.

Embracing imperfection: Work efficiently but realize that you do not have to do everything perfectly. Do as much as possible and as best as you can. Most times, striving for perfection only serves as a source of frustration and your hindrance to advancing to other tasks that also need your attention.

The Pareto Principle: Put forward first in 1896 by economist Vilfredo Pareto, the principle states that in many occurrences, 80% of the results come from 20% of the causes. Hence, you need to focus first on these causes, in this case, they are the tasks that will bring the maximum benefit.

Calendar: A simple calendar can help you a great deal in marking important dates in which you need to get something done in the near future. Keep such a calendar close to your desk to remember checking and noting dates or select a digital one that works for you.

2. Reorganize and rearrange your schedule when you need to

From time to time, you may need to change your schedule. Do not feel guilty about it. Everyone has emergencies to deal with and days that you do not feel your best. When such incidents arise, make time for the tasks that you were supposed to do on other days and keep moving forward.

3. It is okay to say no

You do not have to do every single task that is assigned to you, especially those that you have a choice to decline. This may not be applicable in your professional life but if such instances arise in other spheres of your life, you have the right to say no so as to maximize the little time you have on the most important responsibilities. Just like in your professional life, prioritize your responsibilities in other areas so that you do not end up worn out and also leave some time for yourself.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu