Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.


Any writer will tell you that having your own newsletter can really boost your sales and help solidify your fanbase. A newsletter can be sent out to your email list on a regular basis, letting your subscribers know about new releases, deals, and giveaways. So...

Social Media Marketing - Does it Work?

If you are an author, I am sure you have seen plenty of books advertised on social media, mainly Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Authors will post every day to various groups in a bid to get sales, but does it work? Like many things, book groups...

Crowdfund Your Way To Success – Part 2

Crowdfunding may not be easy but it can pay off for you handsomely if you do it right. Have a Plan in Place Like a proper marketing plan. You must know exactly who you are targeting with your requests and when you are going to do it....

Crowdfund Your Way To Success – Part 1

Back in the day, it was a real labor of love to get a book published. If you didn’t have an agent, you would write a synopsis of your book, get together the required number of sample chapters and write an outstanding query letter. Then...

From Pen to Store: Tips for an Effective Marketing Process

Congratulations on finishing your book! As I mentioned in my previous article, "Tips for an Effective Writing Process", there are billions of books written and billions of people on earth - but none of them knows your book exists. How can you spread awareness and...

Using Your Creativity to Promote Your Book

How creative are you? Obviously, you are a little creative since you wrote a book, but do you have any other creative outlets? Like photography, Photoshop, painting, sewing, etc. If you are creative you can find so many more ways to get the word out...

LinkedIn for Authors

I was reading a book about job hunting and they mentioned the site LinkedIn and how it’s vital for job seekers. It got me thinking, it would also be a great place to promote your book. I mean, think about it, you are an author...

How to Use the Library to Promote Your Book

Here are a few more ideas to promote your book, that is thinking outside the box, so to speak. You can use the library to help promote your book, and it’s even better if you live in or near a big city. Some of the...

Another Idea to Promote Your Book

As an author, you need to find ways to promote your own book these days. There are the usual social media sites and conventions/book signings, of course. But if you are an introvert or have social anxiety, those options seem rather daunting. Asking book bloggers is...

Social Media Tips for Introverts/Social Anxiety

I’m a shy introvert with social anxiety thanks to a speech impairment. I’m also a blogger who hopes to be an author someday. I started blogging last August and slowly learning which media sites work best for me. Some days I can be chatty, but most of...