Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

Visit our Writing Services Page
Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Growing Your Newsletter Followers

Congratulations! You’ve just finished your newsletter. You’ve spent hours painstakingly designing it and redesigning it, making sure the content made sense. You even offered a great deal at the end of it. You got your sign up link, and now you’re ready to promote the...

Treating Your Writing as a Business

Are you self-publishing a series in a particular genre, say erotica, young adult, romance, sci-fi, crime, etc? With such an objective, the thought of profiting from your work has crossed your mind. Why not? Why shouldn’t you earn a few bucks for something that you...

SEO 101 (Part 2 of 2)

Another bonus is that most companies have an SEO expert on board who would help you determine the SEO specifications they want. Because of this, most companies are even willing to train new writers from the basic to the advanced concepts of SEO. As mentioned earlier,...

SEO 101 (Part 1 of 2)

Writing online requires a specific set of skills not commonly needed in old school writing. This is why writers must keep themselves up to date with the latest trends through continuing writing education. You have seen and heard it before--companies looking for writers with SEO...

How Newsletters Help Market Your Book

I’d be lying if I said we, as writers, didn’t have to market our own work. Not only do we have to worry about query letters, but with the rise of self-publishing and indie publishing, we also have to worry about marketing ourselves to our...

Honesty Without Brutality in Negative Reviews

For authors, negative reviews are a bane, the hammer that shatters their masterpiece. The tragedy is that negative reviews break potential authors. I have seen young writers who have authored books, but upon reading scathing reviews, have stopped. Negative reviews are often insensitive. They mean well,...

Sell More Ebooks by Optimizing Your Metadata

Self-publishing authors who rely heavily on sales generated on their website gloss over metadata and its importance. Metadata is a vital part of your book’s success as it helps your book become visible in the vast world of internet. If your reader cannot find your...

Introversion and Marketing

Somewhere out there, a shy, reclusive would-be author is “in the zone,” typing away words that will assemble a potential masterpiece and he considers taking the self-publishing route. Then it hits him: marketing is not his strong suit. No introverted writer ever shouted, “Buy my...

Pitching Your High-Concept Book

What is a high-concept idea? Writers often confuse the meaning of this term. Simply put, it starts with a highly original “what-if” premise that you can use to pitch using a one-liner or two. A high-concept is often a fusion of plots or themes inspired...

Tips for Making a Commercially Successful Audiobook

More and more authors are trying to delve into the deep and very lucrative waters of audiobooks. More readers are now into listening to audiobooks than reading a novel as they offer more convenience and an experience unlike any other. While there is a huge...