Ithyanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis

Book I
By Don Edward Cook

Ityanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis by Don Edward Cook is the first book in this exciting new series. Noah gave a warning that nobody believed. He predicted that a terrible flood would soon end the world but only his family took him seriously. Following this...

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Igor and the Twisted Tales of Castlemaine

By Richard L Markworth, Ian J Walls

Igor and the Twisted Tales of Castlemaine by Richard L Markworth and Ian J Walls takes you beyond the story of Frankenstein. Igor has had enough. After spending years being bullied and tortured by his master, he finally walks away. He just wants a peaceful...

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Interview With Death

Tales from the Afterworld Book 1
By V. K. Pasanen

Some barriers should never be breached because once crossed, there is no going back. Interview With Death (Tales From The Afterworld book 1) by V.K. Pasanen does more than cross boundaries; it obliterates them. Nathan Miller, a gifted journalist who pursues fame at considerable cost,...

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Imaginary Friends

By Arlene F. Marks

Every person in the space colony receives a muse for enlightenment and guidance when they come of age. Danna got a strange cloud that talked to her in different voices and showed her disturbing images instead. Why is she so unlucky, and what is her...

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In the Heart of the Linden Wood

By Ekta R. Garg

In the Heart of the Linden Wood by Ekta R. Garg follows King Christopher of Linden who, still mourning his deceased beloved wife, Queen Lily, and their newborn she was delivering, faces a new crisis: the once vibrant Linden Wood is wilting, turning wooden artifacts...

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Island of Dreams

By Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Island of Dreams is a dystopian sci-fi/fantasy by Emily-Jane Hills Orford. Rosalind Melodious Bell is a celebrated concert pianist on the Caribbean cruise, The Royal Blue, on its way to Puerto Rico with her aunt. But disaster strikes when the ship sails through the Bermuda...

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Impossible Tales

By V.S. Sury

V.S. Sury's Impossible Tales is a collection of stories that present a different twist on reality and the laws of nature. A section in the book includes stories whose science is fabricated and not rooted in real scientific findings. For example, animals and trees that...

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In the Woods, Dark & Deep

9 Stories of Speculative Fiction
By D. L. Rhodes

As D.L. Rhodes notes, speculative fiction is a mixed bag of genres that includes but is not limited to horror, science fiction, fantasy, magic, and just plain weird and otherwise unidentifiable themes. In The Woods, Dark & Deep is all that and more. For older...

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In Search of Beira's Hammer

A Fantasy Novella
By Kristina Young

In Search of Beira's Hammer: A Fantasy Novella by Kristina Young reveals that Scarlet is not happy with the landscape around Berlin where she lives as she considers it to be a bit boring. She decides to find the famous hammer of Goddess Beira. This...

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Island Eight

Book One of the Ataraxia Series
By M.Z. Medenciy

Island Eight is a work of fiction in the fantasy subgenre and it serves as the first installment of the Ataraxia Series. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience and was penned by M.Z. Medenciy. The story follows the protagonist Sophia, an...

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