How to Pick Up Women with a Drunk Space Ninja

The Adventures of Duke LaGrange, Book I
By Jay Key

Jay Key's How to Pick Up Women with a Drunk Space Ninja is a hilarious novel which falls into the buddy-cop genre. However, in this instance, the "buddy" is a Japanese-Irish space ninja named Ishiro'shea and the "cop" is a bounty hunter named Duke LaGrange....

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Half Past Monday

By M. Erpenbeck

Half Past Monday by M. Erpenbeck revolves around Dr Dominic Rivera and his wife, Clarissa, and their little daughter, Savannah. Clarissa had worked as a part-time physician at a local health-care facility prior to becoming a mother. She ran the house with detailed precision and...

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Hunters of Gaia

New Mother Earth Book 2
By Renna Olsen

Hunters of Gaia, the second book of Renna Olsen's New Mother Earth series delves into the power struggle between a galactic corporation intent on maintaining its assets, an ambitious leader bent on leaving her mark on history, an artificial intelligence seeking to evolve, and a...

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Harnessing Altruism

By Sava Buncic

Harnessing Altruism by Sava Buncic is a classic book that fans of the human condition will adore, only the setting and the storyline are quite different and unique. Ed grows up in a very cruel world, knowing what life is like in the slums, drifting...

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Hidden Tribe

By Scott Harper

A peaceful family gathering is disturbed by activity in the woods. The unique thing is that a family of Sasquatch is the focal point of Hidden Tribe by Scott Harper. Alexia is a researcher trying to find evidence of the existence of the elusive creatures....

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Her Eyes Were Crimson Red

The Silent Assassin Volume 2
By Adrian P.

Her Eyes Were Crimson Red (The Silent Assassin) (Volume 2) by Adrian P. is a gripping novel, just like its first part. In this volume, readers get to see the finale between Nagisawa Corporation and Omega Kepler. The latter is always a threat and now,...

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Interstellar - Merchant Princess
By Ray Strong

No one believed young Meriel Hope when she said the attack on her home, the merchant spaceship Princess, was piracy. There had not been a reported hijacking in nearly a century, and she was just a twelve-year-old kid. Ten years after the attack, Meriel still...

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The Makers Volume 2
By Natalie Wright

Wow! Just, wow! Well, it's what I thought when I finished reading the second installment in the excellent sci fi series, H.A.L.F. In H.A.L.F.: The Makers, author Natalie Wright again takes her readers on a real roller coaster of a ride! Follow the continuing story...

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Hidden Terror

By Rachel Walker

Hidden Terror by Rachel Walker is an apocalyptic sci-fi thriller that tells of Earth's alien invasion. At first, people thought aliens were impossible. Then, they thought the aliens were a blessing when they eradicated disease. But when things take a sinister turn and the aliens...

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