Enslaved Uteruses

Government Debauchery & Your Civic Duty to Stop It
By Brenda Hudgens Fritz

Enslaved Uteruses: Government Debauchery & Your Civic Duty to Stop It is a work of non-fiction in the government, politics, and sociocultural issues genres. Penned by author Brenda Hudgens Fritz, this essential work examines the control exerted by governmental and medical institutions over women's reproductive...

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End Of The Road

Political-Economic Catastrophe from Fiat, Debt, Inflation Targeting and Inequality
By Louis Holder

Louis Holder's End of the Road is a comprehensive survey of economic theories and policies, spanning from Adam Smith's advocacy of free markets to contemporary debates on inflation targeting and income inequality. Holder critiques various economic systems and governmental actions, and their impacts on wealth...

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Eight Billion Reasons Population Matters

The Defining Issue of the 21st Century
By Valorie M. Allen

In Eight Billion Reasons Population Matters: The Defining Issue of the 21st Century, Valorie M. Allen makes a case for the need to pay more attention to humanity's increasing population and recognize the havoc it's wreaking on humans and the environment. The book exposes the...

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Empowering Voters

A Beginner’s Guide for Citizens, Policymakers, and Future Advocates
By Maggy MacNikol

In Empowering Voters: A Beginner’s Guide for Citizens, Policymakers, and Future Advocates, Maggy MacNikol examines the huge impact of elections on individuals' futures, leaning into the importance of informed voting in shaping community, regional, and national directions. She discusses the need for a new engagement...

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Earth's Emergency Room

Saving Species as the Planet and Politics Get Hotter
By Lowell E. Baier

Earth's Emergency Room: Saving Species as the Planet and Politics Get Hotter is a work of non-fiction in the environmental issues, activism, and education genres. Penned by author Lowell E. Baier, this compelling read explores the increasing imperilment of Earth's flora and fauna due to...

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Education Mania

Is a University the New Doctor
By Joshua Flapan

Education Mania: Is a University the New Doctor by Joshua Flapan is an analysis of the problematic belief that college is the only path to success and explores its actual value. Flapan questions student loan debt and its impact on graduates seeking employment, and parallels...

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Evolution Ended

The Next Stage of American Society
By J. J. Jerome

Have you ever wondered how a person from the 1960s would feel if he was somehow transported to the year 2022? Evolution Ended by J.J. Jerome takes a deep dive into how our entire evolutionary makeup has shifted drastically since the 60s. Although technology has...

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Easier to See Jeong (Love) Leaving than Arriving

By Moo Jung Cho

Moo Jung Cho’s second installment, Easier to See Jeong (Love) Leaving than Arriving, collects one hundred Korean proverbs and essays and offers practical advice on social, cultural, and political matters. The proverbs encourage creativity and hard work, for example in the phrase "a mediocre carpenter...

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Enlightened Public Finance

Fiscal Literacy for Democrats, Independents, Millennials & Collegians
By Girard Miller

I decided to read Enlightened Public Finance: Fiscal Literacy for Democrats, Independents, Millennials and Collegians by Girard Miller because I have recently become more politically aware. I am a baby boomer and I have two grown kids. Though they are educated and have good jobs,...

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Everybody Loves Conspiracy Theories

By David Ritchey

Everybody Loves Conspiracy Theories by David Ritchey is practically an encyclopedia of conspiracy theories, grouped by classification. Between the Eye of Providence and the Illuminati/New World Order theories are stories about aliens crash landing at Roswell, mind control, weapons conspiracy theories, 9/11, aviation and much,...

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