If you placed in any year of our International Book Awards contest, you can access your award seal/stickers and all other award related materials by logging into your Author's Area and clicking the Contest tab and following the link to your Contestant's Page.
If you received a Readers' Favorite 5-star review then you are authorized to use our 5-star seal. We provide both low and high-resolution digital versions completely free of charge. The low-resolution versions are great for websites, blogs, Facebook and any other web based advertising. The high-resolution versions are suitable for printed marketing materials or book covers. You can choose either the “shiny” version (designed to mimic the shine of our physical stickers) or the “flat” version, depending on your aesthetic preference.
Both high and low resolution versions are in PNG format with a white background so you can place it on any color background. Be sure to right click the download link and choose "Save link as..." or "Save Target as..." to correctly save the file to your computer. If you click the link to view the file you may see a white square background, but that is only your browser converting the image to display it to you. Download directly from the link and the file will have transparent edges so it will appear round on any background.

We also offer rolls of 250 high quality, shiny embossed stickers in two industry standard sizes: 1.5 inch for $50 and 2 inch for $75.