God, Me, Myself, and I

My Testimony

Christian - Non-Fiction
30 Pages
Reviewed on 12/10/2020
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Author Biography

I used to be addicted to drugs. I would always talk to God and tell Him that I wanted out!!!!!!! Eventually I became sober and now I live as Christ would have me. I don't claim to be perfect just striving to be more like Christ.

As I was in my addiction it felt like it was just me, myself and I against the world but when I became sober and I looked back over my life, I saw that it was God keeping me the whole time.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

My grandmother always claimed we lived in the ‘me’ generation, the era where all we care about is me, myself, and I. But there’s more to life than ‘me’. And, really, when you think about it, the ‘me’ in the equation really doesn’t take care of ‘me’ – not entirely. That’s what Sharon O. Beasley came to realize. All those times in her life when she miraculously escaped unscathed weren’t really because the ‘me’ was looking out for her. There was a more powerful force taking care of her life, taking care of her. God was the power behind her well-being, her safety, her successes and so much more.

Sharon O. Beasley’s story, God, Me, Myself, and I, is an inspirational memoir. Sharing her story, the author paves the way for readers to follow and see for themselves how important the God-factor is in the equation of life. She writes about growing up in a church-going family, learning first-hand God’s love. At some point, she turns away from the church, but the teachings of her childhood are deeply embedded and God keeps working his wonders in her life. As Sharon moves through life, through successes and failures, she chalks everything up to experience until in her early forties she comes to the realization that it wasn’t the ‘me’ in her equation that had full control over her life, but rather it was God. It’s all about teamwork. Hence the title. By sharing her stories and experiences, Sharon has opened the doors for others to find their connection with God: to find love, to heal, to overcome substance abuse, and to live one’s life fully in God’s loving care.

Foluso Falaye

God, Me, Myself, and I is Sharon O Beasley's story about her tumultuous past, which was born out of the cravings of the flesh, and how she eventually found salvation. Growing up in a Christian home, Sharon O Beasley was trained in the scriptures but later derailed to another way of life, which includes drugs, partying, and living recklessly. However, these scriptures would later find her at a time she needed them the most. Sharon realized that God never left her and had been watching over and guiding her throughout her 41 years of living for herself, which is evident by the many narrow escapes she experienced and favors she received from the people God used to keep her from an irrevocable disaster.

I love to read stories about people who have found a way out of a dark time in their lives. Sharon O Beasley's story is as shocking and engrossing as it is touching and inspiring. I found myself gasping in shock as the story unraveled, and I couldn't imagine how scary and traumatizing it would have been to experience an addiction that could lead to an early grave. Fortunately for Sharon, she escaped death in the world to become a Christian grandmother with a powerful story to share with others to help them avoid making similar mistakes to the ones she made in her younger days. Books like God, Me, Myself, and I push others to make efforts to improve their lives, making the world a better place one reader at a time.

Michelle Cole

"God, Me, Myself, and I," is an inspirational read! The author shares her story about how very important God is in our lives. God is there for us through thick and thin. He is also in full control of our lives. God is a Healer, Way-maker, our Sustainer ... We are nothing — without God. There is no, "me," — without Him. Get this book!