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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Health and Wellness Misconception

People often have the misconception that health and wellness have the same definition. This misconception can often lead to confusion amongst writers and readers when the two terms are used interchangeably even though they have two different meanings. A basic understanding of the difference between...

How to Give Your Novel a Running Start

A bullet zipped past my head and splattered fragments of the concrete wall mere inches from my face. I rolled to the right and scrambled for cover behind a parked Toyota, not knowing the location of the shooter. What questions run through your mind as you...

How to Use Habits and Behaviors to Make Your Characters Real

When you bake, do you gather and measure out all the ingredients in different bowls and containers before you begin the mixing process or do you grab each ingredient, and measure it as you mix? Do you measure precisely or estimate? What does the way...

Audience-Centered Writing

Preparing audience-centered writing requires that the writer knows and understands the audience members he or she is trying to reach. To properly do this the writer needs to first focus on gaining information about the intended audience. For a  writer to create an audience-centered work means...

Adjectives and Adverbs - Friend or Foe?

Adjectives and adverbs – an author’s nemesis All of the articles I’ve read echo my college tutors. “Cut adjectives, avoid adverbs, and keep your work focused.” When it comes to sentences like “Harry walked slowly, very reluctant to enter the dentist’s surgery, dreading the feel of cold...

From Pixels to Pages: Igniting Creativity with Internet Aesthetics and Subcultures

In today's digital age, the internet has become a treasure trove of inspiration for creative individuals. From vibrant aesthetics to burgeoning subcultures, the online world offers many resources to fuel your imagination and break through writer's block. By embracing internet aesthetics and new-age subcultures, writers...

Unraveling the Tapestry: Crafting Layered Stories

In storytelling, there exists a certain allure—a magnetic pull that draws readers deep into the heart of a tale, captivating their senses, and igniting their imaginations. The key to unlocking this power lies in the art of crafting layered stories that leave a lasting impact...

Bite-sized Fiction: A literary Respite for Modern Life

Since I first set eyes on Roald Dahl's The Hitch-Hiker, I have developed a deep appreciation for the irresistible allure of bite-sized or short stories. Within the realm of literature, these compact narratives hold a special place in my heart, offering a unique and enthralling...

Mastering Character Tropes for Captivating Fiction

In the realm of fiction writing, tropes have long been the building blocks that authors use to shape their stories and captivate readers. A trope is a recurring narrative device or motif that helps create familiarity and connects work to a larger literary tradition. While...

Weaving Wonders: Collaborative Storytelling in the "Wild Cards" Series

In the vast realm of speculative fiction, there exists a remarkable series that exemplifies the power of collaboration and shared storytelling. Enter the realm of "Wild Cards," an anthology series edited by the esteemed George R.R. Martin. From its humble beginnings as a superhero role-playing...