Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Choosing a Genre for Your Novel

So you have made the brave choice of writing a novel. The next thing to decide is the kind of novel you want to write. This decision needs to be made early on in the writing process. It defines the success of the next 6-18...

4 Things That Need To Happen In Your Rising Action

The rising action is the plot point after the inciting incident and before the climax, forming a magnificent portion of a story. It powers every narrative, developing the plot and the main character as they confront conflict and reach the boiling point. There are things...

5 Editing Tips For Self-Editing Your Work

Learning to edit your work is essential before you move to publication. While some projects require professional editing, there’s so much you can achieve through self-editing. It helps you get familiar with good writing habits and recognize your unique voice, making your future project much...

3 Writing Techniques To Have In Your Creative Arsenal

You may need some new writing techniques to improve your writing proficiency or help you push through a creative fog. And here are 3 approaches that you can apply to any piece of narrative fiction to make them more captivating. You can consider them and...

Nonfiction Writers—Who Are Your Sources?

A friend recently asked me this question: “Where do journalists get their sources?” It’s a good question. If you’re writing nonfiction, where will you get your sources? Your choice of sources is critical because it affects the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of your story. This article explains...

5 Crucial Tips for Writing Incredible Science Fiction 

Writing science fiction can be a great experience with the world-building and creative freedom it affords. However, creating something unique yet relatable can be a challenging writing process. But here are some great tips that can help you craft that fascinating adventure in an advanced...

Features of Literary Fiction

Literary fiction is a genre that focuses on style, character, and theme over plot. Though it's a hard category to describe, you can spot literary fiction with certainty once you know what to look for. This category is prestigious and often comes with an initial...

5 Things That Can Lead to Amazing Story Ideas

Not every writer can spontaneously come up with story ideas. For many, the process can be tedious and frustrating, requiring an unprecedented moment of epiphany. To make this process less laborious, consider writing about anything and building on that idea as you proceed. In this...

What to Consider in Writing a Self-Help Book

Life comes with many challenges, some of which you have been through and learned how to overcome. Now, you want to share these secrets with others going through similar circumstances. In this article, we discuss three questions you need to consider in putting your ideas...

The Challenges of Writing Young Adult Fiction

Young Adult fiction (YA) is targeted at readers between 13 and 17 years of age because it tackles subjects that relate to their experience in some way. But, while it’s written with teens as the intended audience, many adults enjoy reading it too. YA is...