The Fractured Earth

Apocalypse Makers Book 1

Fiction - Science Fiction
126 Pages
Reviewed on 12/15/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ryan Jordan for Readers' Favorite

The Fractured Earth (Apocalypse Makers Book 1) by Matt Hart is an entertaining and provocative novel about the apocalypse and humanity falling to its knees in an instant. We start with Erin and Mark in separate situations at the beginning when an EMP goes off, crippling all electronic devices and sending humanity spiraling downward. Later, more characters are added into the mix as we delve further into the apocalypse. The pacing is fast as these two characters try to come to terms with death, destruction, and the fall of society in an instant. There is also a cast of alien characters in the Boreling Empire involved in this demise, including Grodge the Merciful who is using the apocalypse to make a sort of television show, cutting out the boring bits to create a spectacle of humanity's fall.

The writing style employed in this novel is short and direct with a lot of action and movement. Some paragraphs are only a single line and there is a lot of internal dialogue and humor sprinkled in for good measure. This can feel obnoxious at times, but most of the time it works. The entire work feels very satirical where aliens are watching what happens to people on various planets, and they don't take it very seriously. For example, on one such planet everyone was wiped out with nukes because the alien corporation forgot to disable them when they blocked the sun and people panicked. There seems to be a moral message sprinkled in here, but it is never overbearing. The Fractured Earth (Apocalypse Makers Book 1) by Matt Hart shows us a humorous version of the apocalypse with a story that doesn't take itself too seriously and is very entertaining.