The Glass Castle


Young Adult - Adventure
256 Pages
Reviewed on 02/04/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kim Anisi for Readers' Favorite

The Glass Castle (Thirteen) by Trisha Priebe and Jerry B. Jenkins is the story of thirteen-year-old Avery and many other thirteen-year-old kids who all, for some reason, ended up in a castle. However, they cannot walk about freely in the castle, they have to remain hidden and yet still do many of the chores that need to be done within the castle. When Avery gets kidnapped (as does her small brother, but he is not with her when she wakes up in the castle), her whole life changes. While she knows she needs to get away, back to her father and also find her brother, she has no other choice but to adjust to life in the castle. She makes friends, discovers secrets, and learns more about her connections to the castle. But why are all thirteen-year-olds forced to be in the castle? What is the secret agenda of the new queen to be?

If you enjoy fantasy novels that are not too violent and have a certain flair of magic within them, then The Glass Castle (Thirteen) by Trisha Priebe and Jerry B. Jenkins would be a very good choice for you. However, the next book in the series is still a while away, so you might want to wait for a little because the end is a cliffhanger and all readers love AND hate those at the same time. I have a list called "book series which I want to read the next in the series" and I do not often add to it. Many series these days are just not good enough. But The Glass Castle made it onto that list. It is not a fantasy with strange creatures and monstrous villains, it has its own magic which lies in the characters and the secrets within the castle.