Solo Travel Guide

Practical Tips for Anyone Travelling Alone: Stop Wishing, Start Travelling.

Non-Fiction - Travel
175 Pages
Reviewed on 01/12/2017
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Vernita Naylor for Readers' Favorite

Do you like to travel? Have you ever traveled alone? Do you judge others that you see traveling alone? Regardless of your thoughts and answers to these questions, Anil Swarup shows you in Solo Travel Guide - Practical Tips for Anyone Travelling Alone: Stop Wishing, Start Travelling that there is hope and enjoyment in solo traveling. Solo Travel Guide is informative, power-packed and empowering. Anil Swarup has taken his experience of over 25 years in the travel industry to display to the reader of Solo Travel Guide the tips, tricks and best practices to enjoying solo traveling. You will learn everything that you need to create a successful solo experience - from the pros and cons of organized touring, bus tours, cruising, yoga retreats and the different hot spots throughout the world to how to plan and budget for your destination vacations.

Solo Travel Guide - Practical Tips for Anyone Travelling Alone: Stop Wishing, Start Travelling by Anil Swarup is a good resource for not only travelling, but going solo. It resonated with me because I have traveled all over the world, including abroad for years, and love it so I felt a synergy and a connection with Anil Swarup. As I began reading Solo Travel Guide, I began to think deeper about other trips that I would love to take, whether with others or solo, nothing will stop me. As Anil Swarup states in Solo Travel Guide, if you wait until others decide to travel with you, you may never make it to that vacation destination.