A Princess Wish

Children - Picture Book
24 Pages
Reviewed on 04/25/2017
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristen Van Kampen for Readers' Favorite

A Princess Wish by Maria Jordan MacKeigan is a fun children's book about a young princess named Annie. Princess Annie enjoyed playing games with her imagination. Annie's imagination would take her to many enchanting places, where she would ride unicorns. Annie wished she had a sister to share her adventures with. One day, while she was riding her unicorn, Pearl, she came across a well. Princess Annie pulled a golden coin out of her pocket and made her wish. Then she rode back to the palace and told her parents, the king and queen, about her adventure. As she was talking, a sparkling butterfly fluttered around the queen. Will Princess Annie's wish come true?

I really enjoyed reading A Princess Wish by Maria Jordan MacKeigan. The book is well written. I liked the font used for the story because it matches the theme of the book, with the i's dotted with hearts. I liked that the book shows how wishes can come true. The book has a few pages of activity at the back so that children will think about what they have read, and use their imaginations. The illustrations by Maria Jordan MacKeigan are very well done and colorful, and help to depict each scene. Children will enjoy reading this book again and again. Children will be able to relate to this book, because many children have wanted a sibling at one point. I would recommend this book to all young girls.