Baby J

Children - Adventure
34 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2020
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Melinda Facal for Readers' Favorite

Baby J by Tracy Harris Gilbert is a heartwarming tale about love and how family members take care of each other. The main character, Tracy, recalls how her four older sisters played with her while she was growing up and lovingly helped take care of her. Eventually, one of her older sisters has a baby and Tracy decides that she will show Baby J the same love that she has been given. Tracy is thrilled with her new niece and promises to always be there for Baby J. The two develop a close and lasting bond that continues for generations. Baby J highlights the significant role that extended family can play in a child’s life. This lovely story is accompanied by colorful illustrations by Michael Swaim. The lively and cheerful drawings help bring the characters to life.

I really enjoyed reading Tracy Harris Gilbert’s Baby J. It is such a beautiful story about the closeness of sisters and how their love and support can be passed down through the years. I think this book will be helpful for growing families to show children how new babies need love and care. The story of Baby J will offer comfort and encouragement to young children preparing for a new sibling. Baby J demonstrates the way family members support one another each day and also how they celebrate special times together. Baby J carries an uplifting and meaningful message and through this story children will be able to see how important it is to love and take care of one another.