Bride for Keeps

Romance - Contemporary
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 04/29/2018
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Natasha Jackson for Readers' Favorite

Bride for Keeps is the story of Sierra and Carter, two people who couldn’t be more different but love each other anyway. Unlike your typical romance stories, author Nicole Helm starts us in the middle of Carter and Sierra’s first year of marriage and it’s already breaking down. Carter receives some unsettling news about himself and he does not handle it well. At all. He withdraws instead of talking to his wife, closing in on himself until she has no choice but to walk away. This is the story of two people trying to find their way back to each other, and all the growing pains that come with that kind of maturity.

What I loved about Bride for Keeps is pretty much everything, but Nicole Helm did such a fantastic job of infusing emotion into this story. You can feel the desperation, the fear, the resignation and the anger the characters are feeling. I loved how Carter was able to admit he was wrong and was the one working hard to win his wife back because he was wrong. At first I really didn’t like him, acting like he had no idea why the relationship had failed. But the more I learned about both characters, the more I could see their flaws. I just wish that at one point Sierra had called him out about keeping so many big secrets from her. Bride for Keeps is a really good story. Emotional and beautiful and sweet. If not for the quality of the story, I might complain about the need for more dialogue, but honestly, it didn’t take away from the story one bit.