Delirious Love

Love on Tour, Book 5

Romance - Contemporary
258 Pages
Reviewed on 04/19/2017
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Author Biography

Kay Harris is a college professor, former park ranger, and anthropologist. People observation is in her blood. She writes romance novels that emphasize character development and dialogue. They always contain a little bit of sweet, a dash of sexy, a touch of heartbreak, and a whole lot of fun! Kay grew up in Michigan, has since lived all over the west, including Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Rosie Malezer for Readers' Favorite

Delirious Love is the fifth book in the Love on Tour series, written by Kay Harris. After a stint in rehab for alcohol addiction, friend and lead guitarist, Alonso, is curious about the new addition to Bus One on the tour. Sharyl (Hotness) Harkness heads up merchandising, promotion and design and, in Alonso’s opinion, is a highly strung prude who doesn’t belong. When he finds her on the brink of a breakdown, however, Alonso is quick off the mark to help out a lady in distress. Sharyl and Alonso grow closer as time draws on, but things become complicated when she discovers Alonso has a young son, and even more so when he decides to fight for custody. With Sharyl’s parents and siblings vehemently disapproving of her relationship with a “commoner” like Alonso – a man who has had his share of women and has been in the tabloids for abusing drugs – it will take nothing short of a miracle to rekindle the love they’d found together.

One of my favorite authors, due to her knack of presenting a well thought out romance, Kay Harris has once again delivered a masterpiece which pulls on the heart strings like never before. Not only do you get a close-up glimpse of one of Hank's guitarists, but also the new woman he loathes, adores, is obsessed with, and who drives him a little nuts. The added bonus of also reading Sean and Baby's story again (this time, from Sean's POV), while tying it into the book’s finale, was worthy of a standing ovation, as the reader is able to revisit the first romance all over again, thus tying up all loose ends. Kay Harris truly has the knack of getting a reader to become engrossed in a romance saga filled with drama, intrigue, and more laughs than you could possibly imagine. Sean and Hank's huge, extended family is definitely worthy of a song, with the magical ending befitting rock royalty! I enjoyed Delirious Love immensely and recommend it to readers who not only love intense humor, but prefer their romance with a high level of suspense and drama which surpasses all others. Note: Delirious Love must be read after the first four books in the series, so that a full understanding of all characters is taken with you from book one to book five.