Ginger's Kooky Halloween Adventure

Children - Grade K-3rd
28 Pages
Reviewed on 05/12/2024
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We have a friendly deer with an orange collar roaming our property that inspired this story. I could imagine her doing mischievous antics, like in the story.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kathy Golden for Readers' Favorite

Ginger's Kooky Halloween Adventure by AimeeAnn Blythe features a high-spirited deer named Ginger, who wears a wonderful signature orange collar. In this escapade, she and her friends, which include an owl, a fox, and a squirrel, unanimously agree to make the human party a party for animals instead. It seems easy because everything has been prepared. Thus begins their adventure, and what an escapade it turns out to be. The friends encounter one entertaining mishap after another. They’re hungry, and you don’t want to miss seeing the foods available to eat because some of it is downright frightening. It’ll definitely make you think, “This does look good in its own way, but could I eat it?”

In Ginger's Kooky Halloween Adventure, I especially enjoyed the artwork. The images all look like paintings and add a dimension to the story that feels just right for Halloween. Plus, Ginger’s red cape on the front cover is the picture I like best. She’s the ringleader and a kind of superhero for finding entertaining things to do. Moreover, children will love the entire visual experience of this story. Each drawing is bold and colorful and will place them right in the mindset of all the antics the four friends get up to. It’s a story of nonstop action and fun, and you can’t help but wonder how the humans, upon their return, will react when they find that things aren’t the way they left them—nope, not the way they left them at all. Thank you, AimeeAnn Blythe, for this lively episode with Ginger and her friends.