Little Bitty Octopus

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/28/2017
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Author Biography

J.R.Poulter has worked as a senior educator, librarian, lecturer in English Expression, editor and in a circus. A multi-awarded author/poet with over 40 books to her name, she also writes poetry, YA and general readership fiction under J.R.McRae.
Emel Alp Sari loves playing with colour and her coloured pencils.
She has been an illustrator of books for children and education since 1998 and has worked for many leading publishers in Turkey, including Dogan Egmont Publishing Top Publishing and Zambak Publishing. She has also worked for Xlibris Publishing in Australia and has done animation work with FilmFabrika. Emel lives in Turkey and continues to draw for children.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristen Van Kampen (Teen Reviewer) for Readers' Favorite

Little Bitty Octopus by J.R. Poulter is a fun, rhyming children's book about a young octopus named Little Bitty Octopus. He had always been a good octopus, and had never done anything bad. He wondered if he could do something bad. He stared at the jar of jam, and he started eating it. He ate until his tentacles were all sticky. He ate until the jars of jam, that had once been full to the brim, were completely empty. He ate until he was too full to do anything but moan and groan. But then, as he was lying on the ground, moaning and groaning, and not feeling very well at all, his parents came home. How will his parents react?

I really enjoyed reading Little Bitty Octopus by J.R. Poulter. The book is very well written and the rhyming is very well done. The rhyming gives the book a fun rhythm that children will enjoy. The story has a few funny parts. The characters are very likeable, because Little Bitty Octopus is funny and silly. People will be able to relate to Little Bitty Octopus because many people have eaten too much, or have caused trouble. The characters are well developed and well thought out. The pictures by Emel Alp Sari are very well drawn and clearly depict each scene. I liked that the book includes an activity that children will enjoy. I would definitely recommend this book to all young readers.