Package Deal

Ruled Out Romances, Book 2

Romance - Contemporary
263 Pages
Reviewed on 01/17/2018
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite

Package Deal: Ruled Out Romances, Book 2 is a contemporary romance novel written by Charissa Stastny. Spring hated the dress her best friend, Brandee, had chosen for her as Brandee’s maid of honor. It was pink, had the thinnest of straps holding it up, and the back was virtually non-existent. Brandee thought she looked gorgeous, but Spring felt undressed in it. Spring would do anything for Brandee, however, even to the point of submitting to the pink dress and then posing for endless photographs as part of the bridal party. The man she was paired with was beyond handsome; he was devastatingly debonair with clean-shaven good looks, but Spring was not interested in getting friendly with another man. She had been hurt far too badly by her ex-husband, and her daughter, Emma, was her top concern. Spring was flustered when the photographer paired her up with that man, whose name she soon learned was Hudson. As the photography session dragged on, she almost began to feel herself relaxing and enjoying his company -- that is, until she saw the look on his face later on when her two-year-old daughter came running up to her.

Charissa Stastny’s contemporary romance novel, Package Deal: Ruled Out Romances, Book 2, is an entertaining and fast-paced squeaky-clean romance. While it’s the second book in Stastny’s series, this book can be read and enjoyed as a standalone story. The author’s plot highlights the difficulties single moms face in just about every aspect of life. Spring’s world is her daughter, with all the tantrums, poopy diapers and daycare issues that parenting entails. Finding a companion who is game for taking on such a challenge is no mean feat, especially when one’s been hurt in the past and has trust issues. Hudson’s affinity to both Spring and her daughter is heartwarming and seemed destined toward good things from the first moment when he saw Spring coping with a petulant, crying child at his step-brother’s wedding. This is a well-written story with clearly defined characters one comes to care about. The reader can’t help but hope that Spring and Hudson find a way past their troubled histories and into each other’s arms. Package Deal: Ruled Out Romances, Book 2 is highly recommended.