The Twins Dedication & Inspiration

Non-Fiction - Autobiography
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/10/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

The Twins Dedication and Inspiration is the autobiography of Dr. Khaled Elbehiery and Dr. Hussam Elbehiery. The twins are referred to as Ken and Sam, respectively. Success does not come overnight because it always involves a treacherous journey. The twins talk about the struggles they had to go through to achieve their goals. The positive influence of their parents helped shape the men they later became. This strong belief in the power of family helped them overcome the worst of situations. The story also covers their academic and personal achievements. They give the principles and moral rules that helped them reach their goals.

I loved reading this inspirational story. I could tell that these men are humble and hard-working. To find your way in life, you need to be determined. Ken and Sam have a powerful bond, and their story displays this beautifully. They relayed every message they wanted to teach and explained their struggles gracefully. I loved the stories about their childhood the most. They knew they were destined for greatness and took the correct steps to reach it. Despite major hiccups along the way, they persevered. This book is a perfect reminder to students that their future success should be centered on helping humanity and not on self-interest. The story is also a lovely message on the importance of family bonds and togetherness. For a dose of inspiration and motivation, read The Twins Dedication and Inspiration by Dr. Khaled Elbehiery and Dr. Hussam Elbehiery.